Chapter 51

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(A/N:Thanks for patiently waiting for an update as a compensation I present to you a hot guy whose pants are going to be pulled down, I drew it with all my heart and fantasies. Thank you!)

After a long time of Sasuke being thrown around by Lee, the later threw Sasuke towards his teammates as a voice warned him.

"That's enough Lee!!"

A huge elderly turtle appeared.


Sasuke exclaimed as he was suddenly thrown with force.


Sakura exclaimed as she tried to rush towards him but couldn't reach him in time.

Oh no! Saki thought as she watched Sasuke approaching a pillar fast. She rushed towards him catching him in her arms.

She hadn't moved beforehand as Sakura had been the one to catch him in the original plot.

"Are you all right Sasuke-kun?!!"

Sakura asked worried.

Saki sat on the ground while supporting Sasuke who was shaking.


Saki called.

Sasuke closed his eyes trying to calm himself. He slowly sat up by himself.

"Yeah. . . I'm alright."

He assured.

"Lee!!! That technique is forbidden!!!"

They heard the voice from earlier. It was quite a. . . fatherly voice?

"I'm sorry. . .I just. . ."

Saki looked at Lee who was kneeling on the ground trying hard to explain himself.

"But I wasn't planning on using the other one. . ."

He said sweating nervously.

"That's. . . a turtle right? Right?!"

Naruto asked pointing at the turtle.

"Isn't that obvious?"

Sakura replied.

Saki was ignoring everything happening around her as she put all her attention on helping Sasuke stand up.

"You fool!!!"

The turtle scolded as Lee flinched.

"You think you can get away with an excuse like that?!! You already know what it means for a Shinobi to reveal his special techniques. . .!!"


Lee replied with respect and enthusiasm.

"Are you prepared to pay?"

"Yes. . ."

"Then here comes Gai-sensei!!!"

After that with a poof an adult man appeared in a weird pose which was weird from all angles as he stood on the elderly turtle's shell.

"Geez!! You guys are the epitome of adolescence!!"

He exclaimed.

Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke's jaw dropped at the appearance of the weird man as Saki smiled, her eyes blank as she had already got used to these weird things because of Kizashi who liked to do weird things from time to time and Naruto who was a born troublemaker.


Sakura screeched in disgust.

"He's got even thicker eyebrows!!!"

"Super thick. . ."

Sasuke said monotonously.

"Super faggy. . ."

Sakura followed.

"Those are incredible eyebrows. . . I've never seen them before. . ."

Naruto concluded.

"Hey!!! Stop insulting Gai-sensei!!!"

Lee shouted in an offended tone.

"Shut up!!! All these freaks keep appearing!! How the hell are we supposed to react!?!?!"

Naruto shouted back defending his and his teammates actions.

"What did you. . ."

Lee started in a threatening tone but was cut off by his Sensei.


"Oh!! Yes. . ."

He was suddenly punched hard as his cheeks flapped and his nose bled.

"You fool!!"

Gaid scolded him again.


Lee exclaimed again.


Team 7 was shocked again.

"You are. . . you are. . ."

Gai muttered in an emotional voice.

"Sensei. . ."

Lee called out in the same emotion.

Tears fell like waterfalls down Bai's cheeks and so was the case for Lee too as he chocked out.

"Sensei. . . I. . . I. . ."

And then they hugged like there wad no tommorow crying their hearts out.

"That's enough Lee. You don't need to say it!!!"


At this point Saki had had enough of the stimulating show in front of her.

"Guys let's just go please. . ."

Saki said as she turned her head towards her teammates.

"Yeah. . ."

Sasuke replied but Naruto and Sasuke were still looking at the teacher and student who were enthusiastically and emotionally communicating with each other.

"Hey you guys, how's Kakashi doing?"

Gai suddenly called out.

"You know Kakashi?"

"Know him. . .?"

Gai muttered as he giggled.

Suddenly he dissapeared and appeared behind Saki as he placed his hands on her shoulders.

"I even know Kakashi's daughter!"

He said happily as he ruffled Saki's hair.


Everyone in the room exclaimed.

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