Chapter 47

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"Hey hey!!! Kakashi sensei!!! Lately all our missions have been  too easy!!!"

Naruto complained loudly. His eyes burning fire showing his impatience and frustration at going back to doing C rank missions.

"I want a more, you know, hot one!! Where I can shine!! That follows the ninja path!!!  And my heart like. . .!!!!"

"Yea yea. . ."

Kakashi sighed.

"I pretty much know what you are going to say. . ."

Saki sighed. After that mission she was glad for a break loke this.


"Haa. . ."

Naruto leaned onto Saki as he sighed in pain.

He had pushed himself too much during the mission.

"It's because you pushed yourself too much."

Sakura commented as he looked at him.

"Can't you take care of yourself?"

Sasuke's questioned in a fed up tone.

Saki heard Naruto growling at that question.

"God dammit!!!"

He tried to charge at him as Saki held him back.

"That wasn't nice Sasuke!"

Saki scolded softly.

"If you don't calm down I'll finish you!!"

Sakura also roared at Naruto.

"It's not like I said something wrong. . . "

Saki heard Sasuke mutter.

She released a tired sigh. She was so tired of this.

"Hmm. . . teamwork seems to be suffering lately. . . "

Kakashi also muttered in disdain.

"Yeah!!! Yeah!!! You're the one ruining our teamwork, Sasuke!!! Always hogging the spotlight, you bastard!!!"

Naruto accused pointing at Sasuke who had his back facing him.

"That's you, you moron. If you want me to stop making you look bad. . ."

Sasuke turned around to look at him.

"Then just become stronger than me. . ."

Naruto grit his teeth in anger as he couldn't tha ni of anything to retort back.

Saki uncomfortably looked at the both of them. She couldn't take sides.

"Ok that's it for today."

Kakashi said breaking the tense atmosphere.

"I have to submit this mission report. . ."

He said patting Saki's head.

Saki noticed that he did that a lot.

"Then I'm going home. . ."

Sakura started but paused.


She exclaimed as she rushed towards Sasuke who was walking away. 

"Hey Sasuke-kun, wait."

She stopped Sasuke from waking off.

Sasuke turned to look at her.

"How about right now. . ."

She glanced shyly towards him.

"We work on our teamwork, just the two of us. . ."

She turned to look at Saki.

"Oh! Sister you can go back without me!"

"Okay. . ."

Saki replied.

"You're the same as Naruto."

Sasuke crushed her hope.

"If you have the time to bother me just practice a jutsu or two.'

Saki could see Sakura's confidence going down.

"Frankly your ability is below Naroto."

He turned around and started to walk away but suddenly stopped as he turned to glance at Saki.

Saki looked at him as sighed as she got ready to go with him.

"I will be going with Sasuke. . ."

She turned to glance at Naruto and Sakura. Naruto was trying to comfort Sakura who looked depressed and she turned to look at Kakashi who was ignoring the two and waving at her as he gave her his signature closed his eye smile.

She nodded her head at hin as she followed after Sasuke who had been waiting for her.


Saki glanced at Sasuke who was walking quietly beside her. She knew he was in a bad mood so she also kept quiet but the atmosphere was kind of heavy.

"You wouldn't scold me?"

She heard Sasuke speak up. She sighed.

"No I won't."

She saw him glancing at her.

"Both you and Naruto need to short this out yourself. . . even Sakura too. I don't want to interfere much in what doesn't concern me."

She really didn't want to she was afraid of interfering too much and finding out that she had affected their relationship negatively.

"Okay then. . . you want to train with me at our spot?"

He asked after a while of silence.

Saki smiled as she thought of the spot Sasuke was mentioning about. It was near the residences of the Uchihas. She and Sasuke had trained there for years now. Once Itachi also used to train with them there.


But suddenly Saki felt an unfamiliar chakra spark nearby. She halted.

Sasuke turned to look at her.

"What's wrong?"

Saki just grabbed Sasuke"s hand and started running towards it's direction.

"Sasuke just bear with me for a while. . . "

She was pretty sure who it was and who she was about to meet with. She didn't know how she forgot about such an important event. A start of a new experience.

Reborn in Naruto : Saki HarunoWhere stories live. Discover now