Special Chapter 1(Ino, Sakura and Sasuke)

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Saki walked through Konoha market a small smile adorning her features. She finally had a day off from those so called missions that were assigned to her team which were supposedly given to them so as to groom them into fine ninjas. A heavy sigh escaped her lips. She really didn't want to think about this at the current moment.

Just as she was passing through an alleyway something purple caught her eyes. She turned her head to examine what it was to be only met with the sight of a crouched Ino who was hiding in the dark staring intently at something. 

Saki rose a fine eyebrow at that scene. What was she doing?

She carefully walked towards her and stood right beside her. Ino didn't notice her as she was too focused. Saki crouched down beside her.

' What are you doing?'


' Yes. It's me.'

' Geez! Don't scare me like that.'

Ino pouted.

Saki let out a light chuckle.

' But what were you doing?'

Ino's beautiful blue eyes lit up as she turned around and pointed somewhere.

' You see that?'

Saki squinted her eyes to see what Ino was pointing at and she wasn't surprised to see Sasuke. He was strolling through the market. His hands were in his pocket as he casually walked without looking at anything in particular. 

' It's Sasuke.'

' Ya bet it is.'

Ino said squealing.

' And why are you stalking him?'

' Oh hush. I'm not stalking him, I am just looking out for him.'

Saki again rose an eyebrow.

' Sure you are.'

' And besides, that is called stalking.'

Ino said pointing at another alleyway.

Saki was not shocked to see Sakura hiding there also probably 'looking out for Sasuke'.

Saki sighed. God help Sasuke.

' Since you're already here why not accompany me?'

Ino said as she turned to look at Saki. Saki just stared back with a blank look. Why not?

' Alright.'

Saki was currently 'looking out for Sasuke' along with Ino. Sasuke had just went inside a restaurant. She was obviously dragged inside by Ino. But as they were going to go inside they bumped into someone. And guess who it was? Sakura.

' What are you losers doing here?'

Sakura asked cockily.

' It's none of your concern Forehead.'

Ino replied with the same attitude.

' Are you two stalking my Sasuke? And don't try to deny it losers I saw you following him with my own eyes.'

' Well guess what bitch I saw you following him too.'

And with that World War III started. Saki sighed. These two bickered like there was no tomorrow.

' You two are wasting your time. Don't you want to see if Sasuke is in some kind of danger inside the restaurant?'

They both turned to look at Saki.

' You're right Saki. You are lucky Forehead. If not for Sasuke I won't have let you go so easily.'

' That's my line Ino Pig.'

And with that the two stormed inside the restaurant with Saki quietly following behind them.

They sat down at a table not far away from Sasuke. Saki didn't know why Sakura was with them. She didn't even know how they got three straw hats to cover up their faces. She decided not to dwell on it and to just go with the flow. 

Sasuke was eating some rice balls with green tea. Saki saw Ino and Sakura noting down something on their notepads which Saki didn't know where they had got from. She could guess what they were writing down and couldn't help but sigh.

After that they followed Sasuke to various other places. The training grounds, the park, the hospital and finally he entered his apartment. Saki let out a sigh of relief. Finally it's over.

 She could handle it if it was only Ino but for some reason Sakura had joined them too. It was overbearing for her to look after both of them. Next time she won't dare think about agreeing to something like this no matter how interesting it was. All along the way Sakura and Ino had bickered constantly which gave her a headache. They had squealed and fawned over Sasuke for every little movement he made. At this point Saki was sure that her ears must be bleeding. Also they kept on writing and writing on their notepads. Saki was surprised that the pages didn't run out.

The next day Saki and Sasuke had decide to visit Sasuke's mother together. As they were walking towards the hospital Sasuke asked a question which made Saki go stiff.

' Why were you stalking me along with them yesterday?'

' P-pardon?'

Saki asked her lips quivering.

Sasuke scoffed.

' Do you take me for an idiot? Of course I know what they have been up to and yesterday I noticed you too.'

' I am very sorry. I just thought it would be interesting.'

Saki heard Sasuke sigh.

' You don't need to apologize. But next time instead of agreeing to their crazy schemes just come to me directly. You know I would appreciate it if you would spend more time with me. Sometimes it gets kinda lonely.'

Saki let out a sigh of relief.

' Of course.'

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