Chapter 37

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Just as Haku said that in every mirror surrounding them Haku's image appeared.

Sasuke's grip on Saki tightened.

"What. . . what are these mirrors?"

He whispered uneasily.

"I'll show you my real speed."

Haku said in a low voice.

And just like that a needle pierced Sasuke's arm as he let go of Saki.


Saki exclaimed in shock but soon after countless needles flew towards them piercing their skin.


Saki couldn't help but cry out in pain. It was so utterly painful. She could feel the needles stabbing all over her body.


She could hear Sasuke's pained cries over her own painful ones. Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes. She wanted to help him but she wasn't able to move an inch with the continuous attack and the pain racking her whole body.


Their pained cries echoed in the enclosed glass prison.

"Saki!! Sasuke!!!"

Kakashi shouted out in concern as he tried to pass by Zabuza only to be blocked by the latter.

"If you get by me I'll kill those two."

He threatened giving a meaningful glance towards Sakura and Tazuna.


Kakashi cursed.

"Sasuke- kun!! Sister!!!"

Sakura called out panicked. She couldn't help but show her worry for Saki too. At the end of the day she was still her sister and she cared about her. Now that she was in pain and suffering how was she supposed to keep acting like she didn't care?"


Saki and Sasuke's pained cries sounded out loud in the mist covered bridge.

Saki's eyes stung with tears as her whole body racked in pain. She was trying very hard to shield herself from the needles but it wasn't doing much. Sasuke was right beside her but she couldn't even reach out to him. She could hear her voice beginning to crack with all the shouting.

But suddenly the attack stopped as she dropped to the ground. It was painful to move even a little bit. She stared at Sasuke who had  collapsed a little farther away from her. He looked exhausted with cuts all over his body as he tried hard to catch his breath.

Saki suddenly heard a loud explosion outside. She could help but smile in relief. Naruto had arrived.

Saki sat up slowly pain coursing through her whole body as she struggled to reach Sasuke.

"Sasuke. . . are you alright?"

She said helping him to sit up. It was even painful to speak.

"Yeah. . . I am fine. How about you?"

He said sitting up slowly as he held onto Saki's hand which was supporting him.

"I am alright."

Saki said giving him a reassuring  smile.

They could hear Naruto shouting outside. He was saying how everything was going to be alright with his arrival and how the main character usually shows up late and kick's the enemy's ass.

Saki could only smile helplessly as she heard Sasuke complain about how loud he was.

Saki could see from the gaps in the mirror how Zabuza had thrown kunais at Naruto only for them to be blocked by Haku.

"Haku what is this?"

Zabuza asked turning towards Haku.

"Zabuza-san. . . these kids. . ."

Haku said looking at Naruto.

"Please let me fight them my way."

Zabuza was silent for a while.

"So you don't want me to interfere, Haku? You're as soft as always. . . "

Just as the conversation was going on Saki saw Naruto trying to sneak inside the mirror cage through one of the gaps. Her eyes widened.

"Naruto!! Wait!!!"

But she was too late he had already stepped inside the cage.

She watched in distress as Naruto approached herself and Sasuke with a confused expression on his face. She was now experiencing the same feeling of distress that Sasuke had felt in the anime.

"Saki-nee! Sasuke! I came to save you!!"

He said grinning.

Saki just sighed in distress as Sasuke blew up.

"You total moron!! If you're a shinobi then use your head!! Why did you come inside the mirrors?!! Damn it!! I don't care anymore!! You're an idiot!!"

"What did you say?!!"

Naruto said pissed off.

"I come to save you and this is what I get?!!"

"Naruto you idiotic child!!"

Saki also scolded. She was in too much pain and distress to control her anger.

"But. . . but Saki-nee. . ."

Naruto said in a meek voice looking like he had been wronged.

Just then Saki saw Haku enter a mirror. Her expression hardened at the thought of what was to come.


Naruto asked sensing something wrong.

"Get ready you two."

That was all Saki said as she mentally prepared herself for the upcoming war. This was going to be her first real battle. She was nervous yet excited at the same time. But nonetheless she was going to protect Sasuke and Naruto with all might.

Reborn in Naruto : Saki HarunoWhere stories live. Discover now