Chapter 57

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Saki sat through the entire epic speech in a very awkward and stiff manner but . . .the speech was still epic. She really missed the epic ost in the background though.

"I'll ask you again. Your life is riding on this decision, this is your last chance to quit."

Ibiki warned a last time after hearing Naruto's speech.

"I follow my unbending words. . .that's my ninja way. . ."

Naruto said with his admirable confidence.

Ibiki was silent for a while as he scanned the entire classroom. Everyone in the classroom had a determined look on their faces. He finally sighed after a while.

"Good decision. . .Now to everyone still remaining. . ."

As he spoke these words the participants perked up waiting with batted breaths.

"I congratulate you on passing the first test!!!"

He announced.

Saki could see everyone's baffled expressions. Honestly, she also was felling this heart racing exciting feeling at the very moment. She placed a hand on her chest as she felt her rapidly beating heart. Experiencing is indeed different than watching. 

"To the 78 who remain. . .Congratulations on passing the first test!!"

Ibiki congratulated sincerely. His face easing up from the constant glaring one he had on.

"Wait. . .What do you mean? We already pass? What about the 10th question?"

Sakura was the one who asked the question. She was clearly confused about the ongoing situation.

"There never was such a thing. Or you could say that those choices were the 10th question."

Ibiki said grinning, looking a lot friendlier.


Sakura exclaimed. She was more confused than before.

"Hey!! Then what were the first nine questions for?!! They were pointless then!!"

Tenmari also questioned in annoyance.

"They were not pointless. . .They had already served their intended purposes."

Ibiki answered patiently.


Tenmari let out a sound of confusion.

"To test your individual information gathering ability. . .that purpose."

Ibiki clarified giving her a friendly grin.

"Information gathering?"

Saki could see Tenmari cringe a little at Ibiki's change in personalities.

"First as the rules explained. . .success on this test is based on the whole team doing well. This puts pressure on each member not to. . .mess things up for their teammates."

"I had a feeling it was like that."

Saki heard Naruto say. She smiled at the comment. This doofus, he clearly didn't know anything.

"But the questions on the test were not something that a mere Genin could answer. Because of that. . .I'm sure most of the people came up with the same conclusion. That to score points. . .I'll have to cheat. Basically the premise of this test is to cheat. As cheating targets we had two or so Chuunins who know all the answers mixed into the crowd to help you guys out."


Naruto laughed nervously.

"I saw right through that!!! You'd have to be a moron to not notice that!!!"

He awkwardly tried to cover up the fact that he didn't know anything about the said fact.

Saki sighed. He just called himself a moron.

"But those that cheat poorly. . .fail, of course."

Ibiki said so while untieing the cloth wrapped around his head to reveal horrifying burn marks along with drilled screw marks, the aftermath of a horrible torture.

"Because. . .in times information is more important than life . . . and on missions and the battlefield, people risk their lives to get their hands on it."

Saki gulped after hearing that. She would have to improve her information gathering skills. If Gaara hadn't helped her in the test. . .she was afraid that it would have been left blank.

"If the enemy or third party notices you. . .there is no guarantee that the information will be accurate. . .I want you to remember this. Important information in your hands. . .can be a powerful weapon for your comrades and for the village. So we had you gather information through cheating. This clearly separated those who did not have the right abilities."

"But I still don't understand the final question."

Tenmari asked still muling over the meaning behind the final question.

To that Ibiki gave her a friendly smile.

"But. . .question 10 is the true purpose of this test."

"What do you mean?"

Sakura asked.

"Let me answer. . ."

Ibiki started explaining patiently.

"The 10th question. . .The 'take it or not take it' decision. . .oviously they were painful choices. Those who choose the latter fail along with their teammates. Those who choose to take it. . .could lose the chance to ever take it again. . .a true leap of faith. How about these two choices. . .say you guys become Chuunins. Your mission is to steal a secret document. The amount of ninjas, their abilities, etc is unknown to you. And of course there could be traps set all around you. Do you accept, or not accept? Because you don't want to die, you don't want your comrades hurt. . .can you avoid the dangerous mission? The answer is no!!! No matter what the danger. . .there are missions you can't avoid. The ability to be courageous. . .and survive any hardships. . .this is the ability needed to become a Chuunin captain. Those who can't put their destinies on line. . .who cling to the uncertain future of 'there's always a next year'. . . and walk away from their chance. . .those pieces of trash who can only make such cowardly choices. . .don't have the right to become a Chuunin. . .that's how I feel!! Those who choose to take it. . .answered the 10th question correctly. You'll be able to survive any troubles you face in the future. You have made it through the entrance, the first test of the Chuunin Selection Exam is now finished. I wish you guys luck."

"Hell yeah!!! Wish us luck!!!"

Naruto pumped his fist in the air showing his enthusiasm.

Saki smiled in satisfaction looking at the scene and then there was a . . . . .


(A/N: Honestly writing this chapter I felt like Light Yagami, just swiping his pencil through the Death Note elegantly eating his chips. So yeah, I felt like Light especially while writing Ibiki's dialogues except for the fact that I was on my phone and I had no chips just a bottle of water, quarantine everyone! And to add up to the fact that his appearing scenes were numerous his name kept on autocorrecting to Bikini. I mean I don't even wear bikinis. Anyways my fingers are disfigured.

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Sincerely Zenith Mizuki)

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