Chapter 53

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As Saki entered the room she could see that it was packed with participants. She glanced at them once and then quickly went to her team members side. 

At the moment Ino was hanging on Sasuke's shoulders as she enthusiastically greeted him while fighting with Sakura.


As soon as Ino saw her she changed her target and hugged her.

"I am sooo happy to see you here!!!"

She squealed.

"Me too."

Saki said patting her back.

"Hello Choji, Shikamaru."

Saki greeted the other two members of the Ino-Shika-Cho trio.

"Yeah. . ."

"Hello Saki-chan!"

They both greeted back.

"Yahoo!!! Found you!!!"

The voice belonged to a certain puppy owner. Inuzuka Kiba who as usual had Akamaru sitting on top of his head and he was also together with his teammates Hinata and Shino.

"He-hello. . ."

Hinata greeted shyly.

"Well, well everyone is assembled here!!!"

Kiba said scanning everyone.

"Hello to you guys too."

Saki greeted back.

"Geez. . .you guys too?"

Shikamaru complained.

"I see. . .All 10 of this year's  rookie Genin are taking this exam."

Kiba commented not bothered about Shikamaru's previous comment.

"I wonder how far we'll get. . .eh Sasuke-kun?"

He didn't forget to provoke Sasuke.

Just then Saki felt a chakra fluctuation. Although it was a minor one, barely noticeable but  as a sensor type it didn't go unnoticed. She glanced at the direction of the chakra and was not surprised to find Kabuto. He was slowly approaching them. Saki glanced back quickly. Seeing him brought her back to the question of how to deal with Orochimaru? She frowned as she waited for him to initiate the conversation.

"Hey you guys. You should be more quiet."

And just as she knew he started by warning them.

"You guys are rookies just out of the academy right? Screaming like schoolgirls geez. . . This isn't a picnic."

He insulted. Even though there were school girls there.

"Who do you think you are?"

Ino rebuked, glaring at him.

"I'm Kabuto. But instead of that, look behind you."

He said smirking.

And sure enough the hooligans from the Hidden Rain were glaring at them.

"Those guys behind you are from the Hidden Rain and they have short tempers. Everyone is nervous about the exam, quiet down before you cause a scene."

He warned 'kindly'.

"Well I can't blame you. You're clueless rookies. You remind me of how I used to be."

He said as if thinking about the past.

Saki sneered in her heart. What a great actor. . .

"Kabuto-san right?"

Sakura asked looking nervous.


"So this is your second time?"

She asked warily.

"Nope. . .my seventh time. The exam is held twice a year so this is my fourth year."

He replied smirking.

Saki didn't know what was there to smirk about in any of this. Is giving it repeatedly for four years and not passing something to be bragging about?

"Wow, so you know a lot about this exam."

Sakura said admiringly.

"That's right!"

Kabuto bragged.

"Wow, impressive. . ."

Naruto also said admiringly.

"Hehe. . .then I'll share some info with you cute rookies with these nin-info cards. . ."

He said swiping out some cards from the pouch on his waist.

"Nin-info cards?"

Sakura asked interested.

"They are basically cards which have info burned on them with Chakra."

He explained.

"I have four years worth of info here. Over 200 cards. . .They look blank but to open the info on these cards. . ."

He squatted down as he placed a card on the ground.

"What are you doing?"

Ino asked curious.

"You can't view them unless I use my chakra for example. . ."

With a burst of Chakra the card showed a well defined graph.

"Wow, a really easy to read graph. What kind of info is this?"

Ino inquired.

"This is the number of those taking the exam and the breakdown of where they are from."

Kabuto answered.

"Do you have cards of info on individuals?"

Sasuke asked next.

"Hehe. . .There are some guys you are worried about?"

He asked giggling.

Saki looked at him with a judging gaze. This guy sure liked to giggle a lot. And he called them school girls.

"Of course. . .The info on all of this exams participants isn't perfect but I do have it. You guys say something about these participants and I'll take a look."

  "Gaara of the Hidden Sand and Rock Lee from Leaf."

Sasuke threw out the names.

With that Kabuto swiped out two cards.

"Show me."

Sasuke demanded.

"OK, First is Rock Lee."

With that Kabuto gave out the information for both Rock Lee and Gaara.

After that he went on to comment on how Genins from all over had came to participate and Saki could see everyone losing a bit of their confidence. She sighed. It would be a lie if she said that she wasn't nervous or afraid. She was feeling both of those feelings right now but. . .she would have to pull through no matter what.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto!!! And I won't lose to you guys!!!"

Naruto declared pointing towards the other Genins.

"Ahh. . .That felt great. . .!"

He said as he sighed in satisfaction.

Saki could see that everyone had cheered up after that. She chuckled as she stared at Naruto. 

That's right. The moment she had opened her eyes in this world a major change had already been made and it was up to her to play her part even if it went against the plot. This was her life after all and she won't allow anyone or anything to take away her right to make a judgement for herself and what she wishes for.

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