Wamuu {Peanut Butter}

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You stood in the large room you had made a kitchen slicing bread. That's right, you had to make and slice your own bread. You placed the slices in a neat pile as you made your way to the end of the loaf. 

Somewhere above you, you could hear Wamuu battling away with someone, probably Esidisi. You ignored the noise and looked around for some peanut butter and jelly. You walked around the kitchen in search of the ingredients when you stumbled upon a cabinet you hadn't checked in a while. You cautiously pulled it open, inside was the largest amount of peanut butter you had ever seen.

"Wow," you muttered quietly.  You pulled out a jar and opened the lid. The seal was still there, so you broke it. Wondering if it was still good, you stuck your finger in the smooth top and tried a bit of the substance. It tasted fine. "Lit," you said quietly. 

You were so absorbed in your sandwich making that you almost didn't notice the noise above you had gone away. Once you had finished the loaf you had about 7 sandwiches.

"What are those?" You jumped at the sound of a deep voice behind you. You quickly picked up your knife and turned around.

"W-wamuu?" You looked up at him.  You couldn't help but smile at his child-like expression of curiosity. He stood next to you and picked up a sandwich. "Oh, those are sandwiches."

"Sand-witches?" he eyed it carefully.

"Well, no. Here." You took the sandwich from his hand and cut it into four triangles. You put a triangle in his hand and watched him.

"What do I do with this?" he asked innocently. God, he was just a little baby. You couldn't help but laugh a little at his naivete.

"You eat it silly." You smiled and took a bite out of one of the sandwiches. He tentatively did the same. His face recoiled in disgust and he spit out the small piece. "WHAM?!"

"How do you humans eat this?" he asked as he set down the triangle of sandwich. You crossed your arms and pouted, giving him a look of contempt. He saw your expression and his softened. "(Y/N)." He said your name with such gentility you thought you were going to die.  You set down the knife.

"I'm just kidding, it's fine." You took another bite of your sandwich and he cringed ever so slightly. You giggled inwardly at the gesture and filled your arms with the remaining sandwiches. You stalked out of the room and down the hallway, Wamuu following at your heels.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm not sure yet. We'll see when we get there," you replied simply. You walked the temple for a good few minutes before coming across an empty room. There were a few cushions and empty sconces along the walls. You found torches and called Wamuu to light them and put them in the sconces.

You sat down on a large cushion and laid out your sandwiches on your lap, careful not to get peanut butter and jelly on your clothes, which were very similar to the Pillarmens'. Wamuu watched you curiously from the other end of the room. You smiled and patted the stop next to you. He came to you and he walked to your side. He sat down cross-legged behind you and abruptly pulled you into his lap. You let out a small yelp of surprise when he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"W-wamuu?" You said tentatively. He hummed in response and played with your hair, arms still wrapped around you. Is he cuddling with me? You thought. You assumed that the answer must be yes and decided to just enjoy the moment with your two favorite things: Sandwiches and cuddles. You picked up a sandwich and took a few bites, eating contentedly as you rested against the man behind you.

"What's that?" he asked. He pointed to the small bit of peanut butter that was on your finger.

"Oh, that's peanut butter," you explained simply. You leaned forwards and turned around. "Try some." You opened the sandwich and took his hand, dipping his finger in the butter. He looked at you questioningly before trying it. You waited in silence for his response.

"This is Peanut Butter?" he asked. You nodded your head 'yes' and took another bite. He reached over and took a sandwich from your lap, opening it to take the filling from inside. You laughed as he licked the peanut butter from the sandwich and he smiled ever so slightly. You decided then that you would do anything for that smile, even sacrifice your favorite peanut butter.

A/N: For some reason, I just love writing about Wamuu and peanut butter. I found another WIP that's kind of the same thing but instead of eating sandwiches together, you prank the other pillar men with hundreds of PB & J's. Let me know if there are any errors and, of course, if you have any more suggestions!

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