Wamuu {Serendipity}

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A/N: Guess who just got back from vacation. Yeah it was me and I really dont wanna be here. But I'm with ghost now so it's all good. Now that I'm back I should basically have all the free time in the world so expect updates. Also, this ones pretty short. I just found it and apparently I wrote this at 3:46 AM?

Wham was awaked by a sound in his room. He was disturbed to feel another presence in the bed, quickly he sat up on the pillows to see rusting beneath the blankets. What was going on? He pushed the blanket back to reveal a slightly feverish (Y/N). You looked up at him with clouded eyes, still very asleep. A bright blush crawled across your cheeks as you stared into his blue eyes.

Wamuu sighed and ran his hand through your hair, laying down and placing your head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around you and played with your hair. You sighed with content and eventually fell back asleep in your lovers arms.

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