Josuke {Break}

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I'm sure every college dorm has That Couch

You nearly screamed in frustration, throwing your binder at the wall. Papers exploded from it, turning your room into a white warzone. God damn it. You sighed and got up from your perch to clean up the mess. Too much work. Way too much. You had considered dropping out many times, but you had paid too much money to give up now. You heard the door creak open behind you as you tried to reorganize.

"(Y/N)?" You heard Josuke's quiet voice call out. You sighed again and set down your unruly stack of papers.

"Yes?" You answered a bit more harshly than you had intended, but maybe it would make him go away. It didn't.

There was a moment of silence before Josuke kneeled on the floor beside you and started picking up your work, stacking it neatly on the floor next to him. He looked surprisingly at peace. His blue eyes downcast under heavy eyelids, his lips barely parted. It made your heart skip a beat. He laughed.

"How much homework do you have?!"

"Too much," you groaned. You frowned down at the mess. Suddenly, you felt strong arms wrap around your waist and you were picked up like a doll. "Josuke!" He winked and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"Why don't we take a little break?"

"No! I'm busy!" You struggled in his hold, trying to kick his legs and clawing at his arms. He simply laughed. "Put me down!"

"Only if you agree to take a break with me," he argued. You huffed.

"Fine, just put me down." He gently set you on the floor not a moment before pushing you out of the door. He pushed you all the way from your room to the tiny couch that you had bought together. The thing was so small and sad it was a wonder it wasn't falling apart. Especially after all of the abuse you and Josuke had put it through. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

You plopped down on the couch and crossed your arms, staring up at him expectantly. He smirked down at you. He sat next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You leaned into his chest and smiled, closing your eyes. You couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that things hadn't taken a different turn. But you did love to cuddle with Josuke, it was your second favorite thing.

"(Y/N), you really need a break. Not just five minutes, maybe five days." His statement was so sudden. You sat up and planted your hand on his chest.

"What?! No, I can't I have-"

"You're overworking yourself. Please, just take a break. You Need it."

"But can't you just fix me if something happens?" His cheerful exterior collapsed. 

"That's no reason for you to not take care of yourself, (Y/N), please." You looked down then back up at his bright blue eyes. They brimmed with tears, not daring to stain his flushed cheeks. You looked away and sighed. 

"You're right. I really do need a break, I'm starting to feel it." You rubbed your temples. Josuke grabbed your hand and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead before standing. 

"I know a good distraction." You smiled.

"I think I like where this is going." He led you back to his room and closed the door behind you. You sat on the edge of the bed, expecting him to attack you immediately but he turned on the tv instead. He handed you a controller and opened up his game cabinet, rummaging through cases of games and movies. He finally pulled out a case but you couldn't make out what was on the cover. 

Once the game started up he sat next to you, his legs crossed and his controller in his lap. The glare of the tv only brightened Josuke's blue eyes, they seemed to glow. You leaned on his shoulder and stayed there for the rest of the night, getting up occasionally to walk out after an especially humiliating defeat (and returning with snacks). 

As the hours ticked away the two of you began to yawn, fighting to keep your eyes open. You finally put down your controller and looked over at Josuke. He was out like a light. You laughed and turned off the tv, collecting the controllers and putting them away. You pushed him over and curled up next to him, pulling a blanket up over the two of you. He muttered something and rolled over, pulling you into his arms. You whispered "I love you," and fell asleep to the beating of his heart. 

A/N: Sorry if the ending seemed a little rushed oof. I'll try to knock out at least a couple more requests today. 

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