Giorno {All the Stars in the Sky}

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You laid on the rooftop, the open sky above you. Giorno laid beside you, he had helped you sneak through the building. He had guided you every step of the way and greeted you with a kiss when you came through the door on the roof. He had a blanket laid out on the concrete and a had bottle of wine. 

And so you joined him beneath the stars. You shared wine and many chaste kisses before laying down, hand in hand, facing the endless sky above you. You pointed to the constellations and galaxies, naming them and explaining the patterns of their movement. You had always loved the stars. Space was like a great expanding portrait, the earth a tiny speck in its dark plains. 

"(Y/N)," he whispered. You turned to face him, he was beautiful. The moonlight cast a soft glow on his face, a light blush on his cheeks. His eyelashes softly fell onto his cheeks when he closed his eyes. 


He opened his clear blue eyes and rolled over to face you, placing a soft hand on your cheek and whispered even quieter, "I love you." You smiled, a fire started in your chest. 

"I love you too. More than all the stars in the sky."

A/N: This one's short and sweet. Up next is Jonathan (finally) and more Pillarfluff <3


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