A/N :)

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Hey gang!! It has been Wayy to long and I wish I could come back here with Actual content but life has been a whole new kind of hectic. But I have some tea for you guys, why I'm telling my audience of a fanfiction book full of people I dont know I'll never know but let's get to it!
So I've got a wonderful Beautiful girlfriend now and a Lot of stuff that's been happening lately in the romance department has been sparking my inspiration like Crazy so expect a spam sometime!
But before you get too excited, just gonna let y'all know itll be a hot minute before I can publish again. I started my freshman year this past August and boy it's been so wild. I'm part of the marching band which has taken over my life lol. Every sliver of time I have is devoted to band, ask my friends and family lmao. But competitions are here!! And soon the marching season will be over. But I'm still not done being a busy bee!
I'm also in the ROTC, or Reserve Officer Training Corp and I've been given the title of Co-commander of the Orienteering team. This means I'm responsible for organizing and attending All practices and competitions. I am also participating in Marksmanship, which takes up quite a lot of time as well. But not nearly as much as band oof so I'll be able to publish here and there. Come the end of November I'll be almost free and will have a lot more time on my hands!
I love you guys and miss writing!! Hope you've all been doing well! If things are a little rocky I'm always here for some love and support <3
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