Wamuu {Suspicion}

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don't murder me please

 You sighed and leaned back against the cold wall, pulling your blanket around your shoulders. Wamuu sat across from you on your bed, his arms and legs crossed, staring at you expectantly. 

"I'm not telling," You stated flatly.

"Then I'm not leaving," he retorted. He didn't miss beat, he never did. Quite honestly you didn't care whether he left or not. You enjoyed his company but right now was not a time when you'd want to be around him. His favorite mace had disappeared conveniently within the timeline that you were in his room and he was livid. You were snooping around but not for his mace. "I just want to know what you did with it. I'm not mad."

"Sure you're not. Look, I don't know what happened to it and I'm quite insulted that you automatically blamed Me. It's as if you don't trust me"

"Exactly." You laughed and rolled your eyes. 

"If I were to steal from you I would take your jewelry, not your weapons. I'm too small to wield that thing properly anyways," you argued. His expression softened a little. "Maybe Esidisi took it for repairs or you could've left it in the armory."

"I'm not sure. I'd have to check." You had expected him to immediately leave but he made no attempt to leave. Instead he got closer. He sighed and crawled across the bed to sit next to you, pulling you over to lean on his shoulder. 

"You're not going to look for it?"

"I will, later," he said, running his fingers through your hair, "I've missed you," he added quietly. Oh? You smiled and placed a hand on his arm. 

"It has been quite some time since we've been together." He smiled and grabbed your hand, twining his fingers with yours. "How is your training going?"

"Great! Master Esidisi says I have improved greatly just over the last month. He has even gone so far to say he's proud of me."

"That's amazing Wham!" He let out a hearty laugh.

"It's been a while since I've heard that one." He looked down at you with a warm expression. You sat up and contemplated him for a moment before pushing him over. He gave in surprisingly easily. He adjusted so he laid flat on his back, pulling you down onto him. You pressed your cheek against his warm chest, feeling it rise and fall with his steady breaths. You closed your eyes as he pulled a blanket over you. 

"I guess so. It's been too long," you pondered. You couldn't remember the last time you had been able to share a quiet moment with Wamuu. It must have been months, maybe even years ago. You wished you could do this more often but your masters kept you busy. 

He took a deep breath and sighed, placing a hand on your back and softly rubbing your shoulder blades. You yawned and found his other hand, lacing your fingers with his. His warmth seeped into your chest, your heart syncing with his. His scent filling your lungs, the warm musk that you adored. It almost reminded you of cinnamon. No, something else. You just couldn't find the right word. You smiled and hummed a little, closing your eyes and letting everything disappear but you and Wamuu. 

"I love you (Y/N)," he murmured. 

"I know," you responded sleepily. He chuckled and gave you a kiss on the head. "You're making me tired."

"Then sleep."

"But your mace-"

"We'll find it later," he yawned. Well, if you say so. You drifted off to sleep to his heartbeat and for a moment everything was okay. 

I wish I could sleep with Wham :// Honestly, I just like sleeping with other people, you know? It's relaxing, helps me sleep better

Any volunteers? lol


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