Joseph {Late Night Encounters}

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Yellow light filtered in through the parted blinds, accompanied by the soft rumble of cars on the highway. A lava lamp gurgled quietly in the corner of the room. A blanket flopped onto the floor and the scuff of slippers cut through the soft sounds of night. You stepped into the darkness, rubbing sleep from your eyes. You glanced back at the bed, not quite registering what was wrong. You patted the place next to where you had previously rested to find that it was empty.

"Josie's gone," you muttered to yourself. You yawned and pushed the door open. Finding your way through the darkness, you carefully stepped down the stairs. You turned to flick on the kitchen lights but found that there was already someone there. A familiar figure stood by the fridge, slightly concealed by the door. They wielded a butter knife as they pulled out a carton of milk. Joseph stepped back into the light and brought the carton to his lips. He was dressed comfortably, wearing nothing other than his scooby doo boxers. He flexed with one arm while he held the milk with the other, it was a very odd pose but nothing too disturbing. You simply walked next to him, grapped a handful of grapes, and softly kissed his cheek.

"You look comfy." You gave him one more quick kiss and turned away and heading back upstairs, unfazed by the strange occurence.

~Jade :3

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