Diego {Keep me warm}

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Diego is not a very friendly dino boy... but you're an exception. 

You shivered under your blankets, the cold night air biting through the thin canvas. You tossed and turned, trying to warm up a little. You groaned as you held your freezing hands close to your chest. 

"Are you cold?" Diego asked. Cold? Me? No way. You gave a weak laugh and rolled over to face him. 

"Just a little." He sighed and stared at you for a moment. He lifted his blanket and plodded over to your spot, dragging his bed roll with him. 

"Just this once." He threw down his roll next to your and laid down, covering both of you with his blanket. He lifted your blankets and moved closer to you, wrapping his arm around your waist. You nearly jumped at the close contact but you didn't want to ruin the moment. 

"Thanks," You whispered. He pulled you into his chest and twined his legs with yours. 

"Don't mention it." You wanted to be closer but you were lucky he even came to your side of the camp. You didn't even know why he had decided to stick around with you. He never tolerated anyone else and certainly wasn't looking for friends. Whatever his reason was, you were grateful he chose you to be his companion. 

Not even ten minutes had passed when a brutal wind passed over you, freezing you down to your bones. Diego shivered and pulled you closer, your chest pressed against his. Your shared heat grew little by little until the wind didn't bite as badly as it had before. You eventually drifted off to sleep in his arms.

Morning came too soon. You woke up and groaned, expecting Diego by your side but he was gone. You sat up and looked around. 

"Diego?" There he was. He was already saddled up and ready to go.

"Come one, we're already late." 

"Why didn't you wake me?" You asked. You could barely see the light blush that came to his cheeks. 

"I tried," he answered with a laugh. You liked his laugh, you rarely heard it but it was nice. You sighed and packed up your part of the little camp as quickly as you could. You didn't want to make him wait too long. When you were finally ready to go, you mounted and gave him a smile. 

"Where are we off to today?"

"Did you not pay attention at all?" He rolled his eyes but you could see a smile tug at the corners of his lips. 

"Whatever," you joked, "Thanks for keeping me warm last night." You winked. He huffed and turned away. 

"Sure. Let's get going."

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