Trish {Immature}

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hhh Spice Girls

Also, I know nothing about makeup so roast me as you will

The air hummed, the heavy heat kept at bay by the old fan swiveling about on it's tall stand. Little strands of ribbon were tied to the cage, fluttering in the breeze. All of the windows were open, distant sounds of children playing drifting into the room. Trish sat on the couch, leaning on the arm with a book in her hands. She didn't read often, but today was incredibly boring. You laid across her lap, fiddling with a small candy wrapper. You looked up at her, watching her green eyes scan the page. Her makeup was incredible, although you wondered why she did it even when you didn't have any plans. You saw a little splotch of concealer on her jaw. You reached up and rubbed it with your thumb. 

"Forgot to blend." She smiled and muttered a thanks, continuing to read her book. You looked back at the candy wrapper. It was a cherry ring pop. You tore away the wrapper and considered it for a moment. You held it up in front of her book so she would see it. "Trish Una, will you marry me?" You heard her laugh as she set the book down beside her. She raised a brow. 

"Will I?"

"Come on," you laughed. You waved the candy around a little and winked up at her. You could see a smile tug at the corner of her lips. 

"You're so immature." She pushed down your hand and playfully tapped you with her book. You could hear her laugh a little as she continued reading. 

"And you love it." You smiled to yourself and decided to keep the ring pop. Cherry was your favorite flavor. 

"I sure do."

Hey gamers I know this was short but hhhhhh Girls so yeah

Plus I thought it was cute and didn't really know how to make it longer without some extra stupid dialogue oof


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