Okuyasu {Ride}

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The sound of the roaring engine and the racing wind filled your ears. Your hair whipped around where it stuck out beneath your helmet. You had your arms wrapped around Okuyasu's waist as he sat in front of you on his new motorcycle. 

It had been four years since the "Kira Incident" and you had finally pulled together enough money to buy him a new toy.  You had chosen a bright purple bike with a bulky build and loud engine. It kind of reminded you of Okuyasu. You had gifted it to him for his birthday, which had just recently passed. He immediately offered you a ride, and after much hesitation and consideration, you finally said yes.

He had lent you a helmet and an oversized jacket, which you quickly accepted. The coastline zipped past as you looked back towards Morioh. Okuyasu had taken you outside of town along the shore (You're past where Yukako took Koichi, on that road that leads out of town).  

"Okuyasu!" You yelled over the noise. You assumed he couldn't hear you through the helmet and tightened your grip on his waist. No response. You moved your arm and tapped his shoulder, pointing to a small exit on the side of the road. It seemed to lead down to a little beach hidden in the rocky cliffs. He nodded and turned to the exit. It turned out to be a small, gravel path that led down the cliffside. The path ended at a little, white-sand beach. 

You dismounted once he parked the bike and turned the engine off. He kicked down the stand and followed you. You took off the helmet and placed it down near the bike. 

"Wow." The view was beautiful. You looked out on the crystal blue ocean, the sun bleeding into the still water. 

"It's almost as pretty as you," Okuyasu joked. You giggled and turned to face him. His purple eyes seemed to light up in the sunset. You pulled him into a hug, burying your face in his chest. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around you, using the other to pick you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and draped your arms over his shoulders. 

You stared into his eyes as you quietly enjoyed the moment. You sighed and rested your head on his shoulder. It wasn't often you could share just a moment of peaceful silence, so you savored every bit of it. You reached up and kissed his cheek, to which he responded with a big grin. 

"Hey, wanna take a dip?" You hesitated a moment. 

"Sure, why not." He gingerly let you down and shed his jacket and shirt. You had almost forgotten how well built he was. You did the same, simply discarding your clothes on the bleached sand. You took a few steps into the water, surprisingly, it was quite warm. Okuyasu soon joined you, wrapping an arm around your waist.

 You looked out on the horizon, time seemed to slow down in this place. You would have to remember it. 

A/N: I'm working on a Vanilla Ice chapter, but I don't have any ideas... Help?


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