Wamuu {Moonlight}

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The sand was still warm beneath your feet, the moonlight turning it white. You stepped towards the sea, letting the cold water wash up to your ankles. You shivered when the water pulled away, leaving a thin sheen of foam. You felt a presence behind you and felt two large hands on your waist.

"It's beautiful, isn't it Wamuu?" you asked softly, gazing out at the deep blue water. At night the sea and the sky seemed to melt together, the stars shining both in water and space. Tonight was a full moon, enhancing the beauty of the ocean. 

"It is. Though no stars shine as bright as you, love," he answered sweetly. He nuzzled into your hair, holding you close.  You smiled and closed your eyes, relishing his warmth. You placed your hands atop his and stood in silence. After a few moments, you sighed and took your hands from his. He unwrapped his arms from around your waist and took a step back. You turned to face him and placed your hands on his chest. 

You looked up into his green eyes and he gave you a sweet smile. You giggled and quickly turned, taking his hand and running out into the blue water. He followed close behind, his hand never leaving yours. You heard him laugh as you tried to run in the now waist-deep water. He caught you in his arms, wrapping them tightly around your waist. 

You squeaked when he picked you up, water splashing all around you as you struggled. 

"Wham! Put me down!" You laughed. He obliged, still holding you close. He leaned down and planted a chaste kiss on your shoulder. You shivered and struggled in his hold. When you were finally free, you turned and splashed water at the pillarman. He laughed and splashed even more back at you, pushing you further into the blue water. 

Soon you found yourself far enough into the ocean that you couldn't reach the bottom. The rising tide aided your efforts when a wave crashed over the both of you. You had enough notice to dive under but Wamuu was taken unawares. You came back up giggling as he sputtered, his perfect hair plastered to the sides of his head. 

"You snake," he glared at you before breaking into a wide grin. 

"I think you've mistaken me for Master Kars," you jested. He chuckled softly and looked back towards the sandy beach. You followed his gaze, back on the mainland Esidisi stood expectantly, probably glaring at the two of you. You turned to Wham and he gave you a quick nod before swimming back to shore. 

Soon enough you were back on dry land, shivering once you left the water. The night air was cold against your wet skin. 

"Master Esidisi, how kind of you to join us!" He let out a low laugh.

"I've come to retrieve you. Lord Kars needs you back at the temple."

"I believe he can wait. Join us in the water, it'll be warmer with you."

"Be that as it may, he requires all of us."

"Maybe he requires a nap since he's so cranky all the time," you scoffed. Esidisi laughed again, fixing his gaze on the ocean.  

"The water does look nice," he paused and looked back at you, "However, if we get in trouble it's your fault."

"Just tell him (Y/N) was foolish enough to get caught in a riptide," You heard Wamuu pitch in. You punched his shoulder and he caught your hand in his. He pulled you into his chest, wrapping his other arm around your waist. "After all,  she was foolish enough to fall in love with me."

"I never said I loved you, now let me go before I tear out your tongue." He looked down at you, returning your glare with a soft gaze. He kissed you softly and looked back up at Esidisi. He simply laughed at the both of you and winked.

"I'll tell Lord Kars that you're busy." He turned his back to you and strolled off the beach, his steps falling softly on the trail that led into the forest. Wamuu tightened his grip on your waist, biting your lip softly. 

"I don't think we should waste this opportunity."

"I suppose not." You chuckled. 

A/N: I know, I know, cliffhangers suck but I wanted to keep this clean. Should I write a continuation of this on ao3?


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