Buccellati {Trespassing}

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A/N: Jade? Posting a part 5 fic? It's more likely than you think. I love zombie mom so much. I actually doodled the little picture above while taking a break from writing! *Also, there's mild gore. I'll let y'all now when it gets there.*

"Come on Buccellati, why can't you just let me do this? It's not even that illegal!" You whined, rolling your eyes at the tall man before you. You had been with him for three months and he was always like this. He never let you do anything fun! Not even just breaking the rules a little.

"No, (Y/N), I don't want you doing things like that," he replied sternly.

"You're in a gang!" You yelled back. You hadn't meant to raise your voice but he was being extra frustrating. "It's not like I'm gonna go kill people or sell drugs to kids!"


"What?!" He sighed and stepped closer to you.

"I'm going out. Please, just stay." He said softly. You nodded and watched as he left you. You knew where he was going, he was bound to be gone for a while. Who cares whether he said you could or not, he was gone now and you could do whatever you wanted.

You waited about 20 mins after he left to go adventure on your own. You packed a small string bag with a camera, some snacks, a tiny swiss army knife (a present from him), and a small bag of band-aids. You zipped up your old boots and put on a light jacket. Now you were ready for an adventure. You ran out the door, forgetting your keys and your phone.

You trekked down the street and crossed between a couple houses. Soon enough you found yourself on an old logging trail in the middle of the woods. Hills rose on either side of you and tall grasses grew in the narrow strip of land. Forest rose on the side of the trail as you kept going, picking wildflowers here and there. When you reached the crown of the hill, you came across a breathtaking view. Blue mountains rose in the distance as forest covered the ground all around you, save a few trails and meadows. You were stunned by how easy it had been to escape civilization.

You crouched and opened your bag, pulling out your camera and taking off your jacket. You stuffed your jacket in the bag and stood up again, taking multiple photos of the stunning view. You looked through th pictures and were content with all of them. You continued walking to the destination you had only heard of by chance that you were determined to find.


You snuck through the alleys quietly, trying to make it back to your flat before Bruno came home. You darted through the streets under the cover of night, one of the things you were best at, though you still felt unsafe. It had been a while since you were in This part of town.

"Man, we have to go." you heard a deep voice through the darkness.

"You don't even know what it is!" Another voice responded. You flattened yourself against the wall and listened, intrigued by their conversation.

"Listen you have to trust me! Diego told me about it, he says it's gotta be a jackpot."

"How do we know it even exists?!"

"Come on, we have to go! It's supposed to be abandoned anyways so no ones gonna be there."

"Fine. We need a plan." You stayed and listened as he described the location of whatever they were talking about. It was a rumor that had started about a year ago about an old, abandoned laboratory in the woods. He described how to get there in vague detail as you tried your best to remember the directions; you would have to go check this place out for yourself.

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