Esidisi {Jokes}

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A/N: I found this amongst the drafts in my phone that I wrote god knows when. Probably somewhere in the small hours of the morning. Anyways, enjoy some stupid puns. 

  You lounged on the large sofa practically sprawled over Esidisi's lap. It wasn't your greatest idea ever, seeing as it was a sweltering hot day and Esidisi is usually very warm. You flipped through the ancient books soft pages and hummed lightly. Suddenly, you had a great idea.

"Hey Esidisi," you said softly. He looked down at you in response. "What do you call a bee that gives you milk?" 

"What? Bee's don't give milk, that ridiculous."

"Esidisi come on. I guess you're right though." You put down the book and thought of your other awful puns. "How about this one. After an explosion at a French cheese factory," you paused for dramatic effect, "all that was left was De Brie." You got no response from him, only a confused glare. 

"Of course there was debris, it was an explosion."

"Esidisi, you don't get it," you groaned. You didn't want to explain the joke as it would only ruin it further. "Well, here. Did you hear about the red and blue ship that collided?" 


"Both crews were marooned!" He furrowed his brow and stared at you. You sighed and sat up in his lap. "Do you even know what a joke is?" You asked in an exasperated tone. 

"Of course I do," he scoffed. You crossed your arms.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, she's sitting in my lap." 

A/N: Savage Esidisi is best Esidisi. 

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