Koichi {Music}

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It's those big sad times boys

You sat crossed legged on your bed, your fingers lay gently on the keys of your laptop which softly buzzed. You stared at the screen. Notes decorated the staff, it was your best work yet and you were very proud of it. But it still needed a lot of work. You reached for your instrument and held it up to your lips. 

"Ah damn." You sighed and set it in your lap. Suddenly, you felt someone sit down next to you. 

"What's wrong?" You recognized him as Koichi. You looked over and gave him a small smile. 

"No mouthpiece."

"Which one? You only have like 50 instruments." You laughed and handed him the instrument. 

"Oh take a listen!" You pushed over your laptop so he could see the screen and let him scan the contents for a while before you hit the play button at the top corner of the screen. A blue bar appeared and you heard the tick of the metronome. It ticked four times before the blue bar moved through the measure, each note playing as it was touched. The music was nice, but it was missing something. You waited until it was over to ask "'What do you think?"

"It's great! Maybe add a chord here and a moving part below these half notes," He said as he pointed to the screen. He blushed and waved his hands, "But I don't know a lot about this music stuff so..."

"Ooh is someone a band nerd?" 

"Not really," he mumbled. You poked his side and pulled him into a hug. 

"So what did you play?" You looked down at him, his clear blue eyes staring back into yours. His cheeks were dusted a lovely pink that almost covered his freckles. 


"Didn't catch that," you teased. You let him out of your grip and watched him patiently. He looked away and scratched the back of his neck. 


"So you were one of those kids huh?" He looked up at you with wide eyes. You laughed and playfully punched his arm. "Anyway, should I transition from major to minor or keep the whole thing major?" Koichi paused a moment before responding.

"I think this would be good with an A major and here you could use that moving part to transition into a new key." You smiled, giddy with excitement. 

"Thanks!" You studied him for a moment. His eyes were very pretty. You reached over and squished his cheeks together, giggling at the silly expression. You relaxed your hand and moved it to his shoulder, leaning in close. Your lips ghosted his as you threaded your fingers through his hair. You stole a chaste kiss and broke away, returning your attention to your composition. 

Koichi softly touched his lips and watched as you worked on your music. He smiled and got up, returning your instrument to the case. "Let me know if you need any help."

"Are you leaving?" You asked, looking up at him. 

"I was going to go get a snack."

"Ah. I'll come too!" You saved and shut your laptop, getting up and hastily tying your shoes. "What do you say we get some icecream?"

"I think there's a Ken Stanton by the ice cream place." You grabbed his collar and pulled him in for another quick kiss. 

"You are a genius!" You grabbed your keys and marched out the door, Koichi in tow. 

A/N: For you band nerds ;) 

I play 3 instruments and I still don't know how to build a chord lmao what's music theory???

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