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A few days ago Pete posted Ariana and him together after all they were dating now and she didn't mind. "I have rehearsal today" Ariana smiles leaning back into Pete's chest. "You do and I'm goi g shopping while you do that" he says rubbing her belly "what you buying" she asks "I don't know shoes clothes what ever I find that I want" he shrugs.

"I've just posted a photo of us both" Ariana says "so we're fully public" he smiles and Ariana nods "are you coming wango tango with me" she asks "I am" he smiles making her smile. "I do need to go back to New York through like the start of the month" he says and Ariana nods "I'll come to" Ariana smiles kissing his lips lovingly.

"Come on then" Ariana smiles standing up from his knee allowing him to stand up too. "Ariana you going like that" he asks "yeah why what's wrong with it" she asks "you might want to put underwear on" he chuckles "omg" Ariana runs up the stairs making him laugh.

"Thank you" She smiles coming back down the stairs "it's okay I'll drop you off at rehearsal and then probably come back for you" he smiles rubbing her back.

"Okay that's fun with me" Ariana says grabbing her pants and phone. Pete gets in the car since he could drive her car and drives her to rehearsal. "I love you" Ariana smiles leaning in towards his lips.

Pete leans in as well and captures her lips giving her a sweet kiss. "I love you too" he smiles as she gets out the car and runs into the building.

Pete smiles before reversing and going into California to the mall where he got out the car and went into the jewellers. "You here to pick up a ring" he hears and Pete nods "It was shipped from New York personally made. I got told it's ready to be picked up" he smiles and the lady nods going in the back and getting it for him.

"Thank you" Pete smiles putting it in his pocket before going to buy some shoes since that's what he told Ariana he was doing.

Once he was done he headed to where Ariana was and sat watching her rehearse. "Baby" Ariana smiles jumping into his arms. He smiles catching her holding her close to his body. "How long have you been here" she asks "not long" he smiles kissing her lips.

"Ariana" Brain says making Pete put her down "your needed. You can have me when you want later but you need to do this" he kisses her head tapping her bum making her go back over to the others.

He sits scrolling through his phone while he listened to an angels voice. "I need to pee let me go" Ariana whines as Pete looks up to see Ariana run off to the bathroom.

"Will you marry me" he asks. Ariana sits up "yes yes yes" I wrap my arms around him. He gently pulls her away and slides the ring onto her engagement finger. "I love you so much" she sobs into his neck. "I love you too I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" he smiles kissing her lips.

Ariana calls her mum. "Mum" she says "yes" she asks "I'm getting married" she squeals as Joan ends the call Ariana looks down confused. She puts it in the group-chat and sent it her brother.

"Ariana Grande Butera" Joan calls "Damn she used my full name" Ariana says "bedroom" Ariana calls as Joan appears in the door "let me see the ring" she asks and Ariana holds out her hand. "My baby's getting married" Joan coos giving Pete a hug. "So How'd you do it" Joan asks "just asked her" he says pulling down Ariana's top.

"CONGRATULATIONS" Ariana heard before everyone comes running in. "Thank you" Ariana smiles leaning back into Pete letting them sit down on the bed.

"I feel like he asked you like you are" Courtney asks "he did." Ariana smiles kissing kissing his cheek. "You know I'm not traditional" she adds "that's true" Brian says "I don't think the proposal has to be cute but the wedding does" Ariana says "please get a wedding planner and not let her do it" Joan asks making Pete chuckle "I think we want to do it together but not for a while" he smiles.

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