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Waking up to the love of your life if the best feeling especially when she's the most stunning girl that you have ever seen. That was Pete waking up to his fiancé. The first time he would wake up to her knowing that she was his and would be spending the rest of her life with him.

Peacefully sleeping away on his chest as his arm draped on her back keeping her close to his body. He never was a cuddly couple when it came to sleep he used to like his space but with Ariana it's different.

It's like she belongs there. She fits there. Not just because she's small because she doesn't make the position hard work.

"Morning" Pete smiles to her mum. "Morning" she smiles "I've fed the dogs for you and let them out and brought some stuff for Ariana which I've left in the kitchen. I was just going to put these in the bathroom" Joan explains "it's okay I don't mind" he smiles "you could be there fo a while" Joan chuckles quietly "I don't mind. She needs it she's not had much sleep over the last few days because of work" he smiles making Joan smile.

As Joan walked into the bathroom she looked back at the couple and smiles. She always been over protected of Ariana when it came to dating. She didn't know why she felt this one was different. She had never seen her daughter fall for anyone as fast.

"Baby" Ariana mumbles "yes angel" he asks rubbing her bear back. "Im in pain" She whines "your mums here" he says "I'm asleep" she says making him chuckle.

Joan smiles and left them alone since she didn't really want to get in the way. "What's hurting" he asks "we had sex" she giggles closing her legs together to try and stop the burning sensation.

"I'm sorry I should have been more careful" he frowns "I liked last night it was good. Best sex ever" Ariana smiles grabbing her phone.

"Get out" Ariana throws a pillow at Courtney making her laugh leaving the room. "Do people not knock" he chuckles "she has a key" Ariana says "do I get a key" he asks "sure" Ariana says "that's spare" Ariana says pointing to Malcolm's old key.

Ariana puts some clothes on and stands up. "I'll go and see what she wants" she smiles kissing his lips. "I'll run you a bath" he smiles and Ariana smiles before going to find Courtney.

"Hey sex freak" Courtney smirks "shut up" Ariana says "let me see the ring" Courtney asks and Ariana holds out her hand. "Omg that's so fucking cute" she smiles. Ariana smiles grabbing a drink.

"You look tired was someone up all night" she asks and Ariana shakes her head "we went to sleep at midnight" she smiles. "Anyway what you here for" Ariana asks "wanted to see if you wanted to come Disney." She smiles "YES" Ariana screams "what you say to her Tay was even better than when I asked her to marry me" Pete asks "we're going Disney" Ariana smiles "okay" he smiles "oh your mum said Frankie's on the way to see you" he says kissing her head "okay" Ariana smiles.

"Tomorrow invited anyone you want" she smiles before leaving. "I'm tired" she yawns cuddling into Pete "why you crying" he asks rubbing her back "I'm just so happy" she smiles he picks her up as her wraps wrap round his neck and legs round his waist.

"I love you so much" she smiles "I love you too my precious angel" he smiles. "I made you a nice bath will that make you feel any better" he asks rubbing her back "join me" she asks and he nods "if that's what you want I will" he smiles carrying her up to the bath and setting her on the floor.

He gently removes her top and shorts before letting her climb in the bath before he climbed in behind her.

"You've made me the happiest girl on the planet thank you" she smiles "you've made me the happiest man" he smiles brushing through her bed hair with a comb.

"This is nice" Ariana smiles "it is" he agrees washing over her body. "One day we will be husband and wife" Ariana says "we will" he smiles "that's just so unreal. I've always wanted to be a wife but it's still unreal" she says "one day we will have a little you tuning round" he smiles "why little me what about a little you" she asks giggles at the thought of having kids.

"Well first we need to live together which I'm moving New York and my friends will want to as well... Damn this is going to be hard" Ariana pouts wanting to be with her fiancé but didn't want to leave her friends.

"Well the twins have an apartment in New York so there fine" Pete says "I guess we can live with other people." He says "don't you want privacy though" she asks "I'm sure they would leave us alone" he smiles kissing her nose.

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