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Ariana climbs off the bed and looks back to Pete. Ariana smiles at his cute sleeping face before going to make her self some breakfast. Ariana sits at the table with her phone scrolling through her messages and social media seeing what was going on in the world.

"Good morning my beautiful princess" Pete smiles coming out. "Good morning" Ariana smiles putting her phone down. "How you feeling" Pete asks making some toast. "Im feeling good" Ariana smiles "I don't feel sick" she adds.

"Thats good to hear" Pete smiles coming over to her and pecking her lips. "Im gonna have to cancel tour" Ariana pouts. Pete looks at her and takes her expression making him feel a little bad.

"Why don't you tour for as long as you can" Pete suggests "I mean you start tour in 3 weeks and your what 4 weeks pregnant" Pete says "but thats not good for the baby" Ariana says "Ariana do what makes you feel happy. If you want to tour then go for it just dint bounce around as much. Im happy if your happy" he tells her and she nods.

"Okay" Ariana says "ill think about it and speak with Scooter" Ariana says "okay I need to read baby books" Pete pouts. "Cute" Ariana smiles. "Can you have a boy" Pete asks "what" Scooter asks making Ariana jump and fall off her chair. "Owww" Ariana whines making Pete help her up and rub her bum.

"Im pregnant" Ariana mumbles "theres a thing called protection" Scooter says "and theres a think called independence and what the fuck I want with my body" Ariana states. "Ariana you begged us for tour and now this" Scooter says "and I'm still going to go on tour" she says taking hold of Petes hands which were trying to hold hers. "Mummy" Ariana smiles letting go of pete to go and give her mum a hug. "Hi sweetheart how you feeling" Joan asks "I'm feeling good" Ariana smiles.

"Am I the last one to find out" Scooter asks "so you should be" Joan says rubbing Ariana's back who was enjoying a cuddle from her mother. "I think her pregnancy hormones mean she loves me more than she already did" Joan chuckles making Ariana giggle.

Ariana pulls away and goes back to hug Pete. "Do your fans still hate me" Pete asks "of course" Ariana says making him pout. "Hey some of them love you" Ariana giggles leaning up to kiss his lips.

"Im tired" Ariana whines in rehearsal. "Ariana you have 3 weeks" Scooter says "I get you don't like the fact I'm having a baby but get used to it" Ariana says "shes right scooter its her decision" Brain says handing her some water.

"Thank you" Ariana smiles.

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