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Pete wakes up and looks to Ariana. Peacefully sleeping away. He watched her for 5 minutes before climbing off the bed. Ariana immediately woke up and jumped into Petes arms. "Baby girl" Pete sits down with her stroking her back.

"Please Don't leave me" Ariana sobs "okay ill stay" Pete tells her "no I mean" Ariana stops "what you have to tell me" he asks "I'm pregnant" Ariana says. Pete looks at Ariana and kisses her lips.

"Im going to be a daddy" Pete says "I'm going to be a mummy" Ariana sniffs. "Now I feel dizzy can I lay back down" Ariana sniffs asks Pete nods laying her down.

"You want to come home now or still with your mum" he asks her kissing her head. "Go home" Ariana says and Pete nods.

"Get me to bed please" Ariana whines "okay okay" Pete rubs her back taking her to the bedroom and laying her down on the clean sheets. Ariana snuggled into the sheets and Pete sat next to her.

"How many weeks do you think you are" Pete asks "I don't know" Ariana shrugs. "I feel disgusting can you run me a bath" Ariana asks and Pete nods going to run her a nice bath. He waits till it has run before going to get Ariana.

Ariana stands up and hugs Pete. "Im sorry I have been horrible to you lately. I thought you were going to leave me" Ariana mumbles "never" Pete kisses her head. "and can you help me I'm weak" she asks and he nods helping her take off the top she had on.

He lifts her into the bath and Ariana smiles up to him. "Do you still feel like your going to be sick" Pete asks "no i just feel weak" Ariana says as Pete washes her hair. "Your hairs getting long" Pete smiles "it needs cutting" Ariana sighs "I'm sure we can get that sorted for you" Pete tells her and she nods.

Ariana stands up and Pete helps her out. "Thank you baby" Ariana smiles kissing his lips. "You need to try and eat something okay" Pete tells her and Ariana nods. Ariana gets changed into some clean clothes putting her phone on charge.

Ariana walks out and Pete looks at her "you feel a little better now" he asks making her some soup. "I feel better because I feel clean" Ariana smiles sitting down.

"I love you so much" Ariana tells him "I love you too Ariana" he hands her some soup and a spoon kissing her lips. Ariana began ti eat and Pete smiles at her.

"What soup is this" Ariana asks "no idea it was what Joan brought the other day" Pete shrugs "oh okay" Ariana replies finishing the bowl of soup. "Lets see if this stays down" Ariana says and Pete nods taking the bowl and washing it.

"And what ever you do don't tell anyone I'm pregnant" Ariana asks "I wont" Pete says and Ariana nods standing up. "Can we watch a movie" Ariana asks and Pete nods.

They both go and sit down and watch a film snuggled down together. "I love you" Pete kisses her head. "I love you too" Ariana yawns "i think your ready for bed" Pete says "please" Ariana sighs and Pete picks her up.

Pete carries her to the bedroom and placed her on the bed. "Go clean your fece and stuff and ill get you a bottle of water" Pete smiles and Ariana nods.

Ariana goes and brushes her teeth and washes her fece before going to get in bed. Pete smiles climbing in bed next to her. Ariana snuggles into him and Pete smiles. "Goodnight baby girl" he smiles "goodnight baby"

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