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Ariana wakes up and rolls over on the bed. She smiles to Pete who was peacefully sleeping. Ariana climbs of the bed and goes and has a shower. She washes her hair and body making sure she was clean before getting out and wrapping her self in a towel.

She leaves the bathroom and routs through some clothes. "Morning" Pete smiles making her jump and drop the towel. "Baby" Ariana whines picking it back up and wrapping it back around her.

"Come on let me see you" he pouts "you see me anytime you want but I seriously need to get changed" Ariana says putting on a bra and some panties. "Where you going your sick you need to be in bed you cat record something because it won't be your best work" Pete asks making Ariana turn around. "I'm not going to work I'm going out with a friend" Ariana states. Putting on a top and a mini skirt. "Cutie" he smiles standing up.

"Wait when did you sleep naked" Ariana Asks "did we have sex last night" Ariana asks hugging him. "No we didn't but I'm sorry" he pecks her head putting on some clothes "I don't mind I sleep naked most days" Ariana tells him.

"Have fun today" he tells her and she nods "I will baby but please don't mess up the place" Ariana asks and Pete nods.

Pete lets Ariana go and smacks her bum as she walks away. "Baby" Ariana turns around. "Don't do that to me" she tells him. "But your so tempting" he hugs her "so you want me to cancel plans so you can fuck me" Ariana raises her eyebrows. "I'll miss you that's all" he tells her "I'm only going to get coffee chill I'll be back soon" Ariana tells him.

"Fine" Pete tells her picking her up making her wrap her legs around him as he carries her to the door. "Have fun" he places her out the door making her pout kissing his lips before going down to meet her friend.

Ariana unlocked the door and she drops her phone. Pete comes out and smiles. "Welcome home" he smiles coming to hug her. "You really did this while I was out" Ariana asks bending down to pick her phone up. "Yes Ariana. Your my complete world. I'm sad that we lost so much time but that time we both needed to help heal" Pete tells her kissing her head.

"I want to eat" Ariana says making him nod carrying her over to the table. "I wish I could post something on this but I can't." Ariana pouts. "Shhh" he takes her hand "i love you" Ariana smiles "I love you too" Pete smiles handing her a fork. Ariana tucks into the beautiful meal that Pete has made for her.

"Ariana" Pete Asks making Ariana look up to him. "Do you think we can work out this time" Pete asks taking her hand. "I guess" Ariana says "i hope we can." She adds making him stand up and hug her. "I really love you Ariana" he tells her "I love you too" she wraps her arms around his neck. Pete smiles picking her up as they begin to kiss.

Pete began to slowly walk to the bedroom lifting up her skirt. "Baby be careful" Ariana says making him put her down and let we take her clothes off.

"Beautiful" he smiles making her jump up to him. Pete smiles kissing her lips again pushing her up against the wall. "I love you" Ariana breaks the kiss "I love you too" Pete tells her stroking his duck against her entrance. "Mhm baby" Ariana moans before letting out a gasp as he gently pushes into her. "I've got your baby girl" he tells her and she nods letting her self relax.

"Ariana" Pete gently says making her roll over to look at him. "You okay" he asks pushing some of her hair out of her face. "I am" she smiles kissing his lips.

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