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Pete spent hours trying to calm Ariana down. He knew how special Malcolm was to her and how this was going to be hard for her but he didn't want her to hurt her self.

"What time is it" she asks "8" he says and she sniffs hiding her head again. Scooter comes in and Pete looks up. "Sorry I brought you some food" he says and Pete nods. "Thank you" Pete replies.

Ariana jumps off Pete running to the bathroom. Scooter an Pete follow her. "Get it up it's okay" Pete rubs her back grabbing her hair. "Can you hold her hair while I run her a bath" Pete asks and Scooter nods taking Pete's spot.

Pete puts the plug in the bath and runs Ariana a hot bath with her favourite bath salt. While it was running he made sure she was okay.

Ariana wipes her mouth making Pete bobble her hair before getting a bit of water and washing the sick of her hair. Ariana wraps her arms around Pete's chest and rests her head. Pete kisses her head gently rubbing her back before lifting her up to sit on the counter.

He finished her bath leaving her in the bathroom while he got her a towel. "I know you got changed a few hours ago but you want to change" Pete asks "your top" she asks and he nods going to get her one and some shorts just in case.

Resting them on the side he helps her get down. He gently strips her down and lifts her into the bath. "Want me to leave" Pete asks "get in" she mumbles "Ariana I'm not going to" he tells her. "I'll stay her and help you but I can't get in with you. You don't know what you want" he takes her hand.

"Is that why your saying my name"
Ariana asks and he nods. He grabs the shampoo and gently washed her hair rinsing it off with the shower head before cleaning her body.

"I have a head ache" she pouts standing up taking Pete's hand as she climbs out holding her hand out for the towel which Pete hands to her. Ariana dries off her body putting on Pete's top and the shorts he got for her before rubbing through her hair.

She scraps it up into a bun. "You want some paracetamol for your head ache" Pete asks and Ariana nods "crush it" she tells him and he nods.

Pete walks into the kitchen and grabs two tablets crushing it with two spoons "What drink you want it with" He asks "water" she says and he nods getting a glass and putting a small amount of water in and putting the powder into it before handing it to Ariana.

"Can I have an orange for when I finished this" she ask and Pete nods making her a glass of orange juice. Ariana takes the water grabbing the orange juice out of Pete's hand and gulping it down.

"You want some of this food" Pete asks looking through want Scooter bought them. "Mine" Ariana says taking the tray. "Okay" he smiles at her still wanting to eat.

Ariana sits down and opens the salad and sighs. Pete looks at her grabbing her a tissue. "I can't stop thinking about him" she sniffs "it's okay to think about him Ariana" Pete strokes her arm.

"You won't be mad" she asks "of course not. If you wanted to sleep in the bed alone wanted me to stay away from here for a few days I would understand. He isn't just your ex Ariana, he was your best friend" Pete tells her. "Please don't leave me alone" she grabs his arm.

"I won't because I know you want me here" he takes her hand.

They both eat in silence. "Let's go to bed. I'm not saying to sleep but it might help you relax a little" he suggests and she nods.

She stands up raising her arms making him pick her up and carry her to the bedroom. He sets her down on the bed closing the curtains.

Pete walks to his draw "you don't need to" Ariana speaks up "you always sleep in your boxers." She says and he nods walking to the bed and getting under the sheets.

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