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"AHHHH" Ariana screams making Pete wake up. Ariana breaths realising it was a bad dream. Pete opens his arms making Ariana lean into them. Joan comes into the bedroom. "Please make it stop" she cries "Ariana we need to get you back in therapy" Joan tells her. "You do Ariana. Take a break from the spot light. Have no deadlines no stress" Pete suggests "even our wedding" she sniffs and he nods. "If that's what you need than that's what happens. Your not in a frame of mind to even consider a wedding. You need to go back to therapy" he tells her.

"Can I have your phone" Ariana asks "sure but why" Pete asks getting it off the night stand "I want some music" she sniffs. She grabs some head phone placing one in her ear as she played some music quietly into her ear as she cuddled back into Pete.

Pete wakes up in the morning and smiles at a sleeping Ariana. He gently peels her off his body tucking her in the sheet.

He creeps out the bedroom and makes himself a coffee. "Where's Ariana" Joan asks "she's asleep" Pete says and she nods.

"Baby" Ariana sniffs coming into the kitchen and snuggling into his side "what's wrong" he ask rubbing her side. "Your phone died" she sniffs "I'm sorry" he pouts "it's okay" she yawns wiping her eyes.

Ariana starts to dose off making Pete catch her. "Come on let's get you some food and a bath and then onto the sofa"
He tells her making her nod. She sat in Pete's place and Pete made her a fruit salad with a strawberry smoothie.

Ariana stands a head of her. Crying had become natural to her and the pain she felt was normal. Pete places everything in front of her and takes her hand. "I'm going to put my phone on charge and run you a bath" he explains.

He walks away from her starting to run her a bath and walked back to her. "Ariana I know your hurting" he takes her hand. "I can't deal with this" she mumbles bursting into tears.

Pete brings her into a hug letting her fall into his arms as he holds her. He didn't need to speak he knew the pain she was going through. He knew he just had to be there for her. To be her shoulder to cry on.

Pete gently rubs her back in gentle circles "Joan will you turn the bath off" Pete asks and she nods. Ariana closes her eyes drifting off into sleep.

Joan smiles coming out to see Ariana and Pete. "Shes gone" Joan says "I can't let her go anyway she'll wake up and she's drained and exhausted if this is making her feel comfortable than that's how I'll be with her" Pete says rubbing Ariana's back still.

He carries them to the sofa and wraps them both in a blanket as he sat with her while she had a nap.

Ariana wakes up and rubs her eyes. "Ow" she whines. "Did I have my bath" she asks confused "no sweetheart you fell asleep" he tells her pushing some hair behind her ear. "Oh" she sighs rubbing her ear.

"I need to be clean" she cries "I'll go and make you another bath" he kisses her head "no no you stay with her ill-go and make it" Joan says and Pete nods holding Ariana rocking her gently.

"I think I may have peed" Ariana says "you didn't you were sweating like crazy when you were asleep" he tells her "oh" she sniffs "it's okay" he rubs her back "I'm depressed" she sniffs "I don't want to be" she adds "you can't help it baby something badd happened your not used to. You've have a tough few years Ariana you don't know how to handle yourself" he strokes her arm.

"Baths run" Joan says making Pete lift Ariana to her feet. Pete stands up and Ariana shakes her head "What's wrong" he asks "no walk" she shakes her head making home scoop her up and carry her to the bathroom.

He sets her to the floor and takes off her clothes. "I don't care what you look like hair or no hair I don't care" he says as He notices Ariana cover her self. Ariana uncovers herself and steps into the bath.

"Stay with me" she asks and he nods "I wouldn't leave you when you don't want me too" he tells her taking her hand.

"Want me to wash your hair" he asks and she nods weakly. He washed her hair. And helped her out after she cleaned her body wrapping her in a towel.

She walks into the bedroom him following her and opens the draw. "Where's my top" Ariana sniffs "What top" he asks "my favourite" she asks "I'll go and get it okay" he tells her and she nods.

Pete walks out and into the laundry room and grabs the top and takes it back to her. "Thank you" she says putting it over her head. "Baby" she says making him go over to her. "I feel faint" she mumbles making him hold her.

"Joan" Pete calls making her come into the bedroom. "Can you make her some food" Pete asks and Joan nods. "I'm not hungry" Ariana whines "your not well Ariana you need to eat" he tells her kissing her head.

He picks her up carrying her out to the bean bag and placing her down. He goes and grad the bowl from Joan and she smiles. "It's soup." Pete says and Ariana shakes her head.

"You haven't eaten in 3 days" he days getting a little bit on the spoon and placing it to her lips. Ariana takes it and silent tears fall from her eyes.

Pete helps her eat. "No more" she sniffs "okay you did well" he strokes her tears away. He places the bowl on the floor at the side and hugs Ariana. "I want to get well" she cries "it will take time Ariana." He tells her kissing her head.

He stands up taking the bowl to the kitchen. "She did well" Joan says and he nods.

"PETE" Ariana cries making him get up and head to kitchen. "It hurts" she sniffs making him take the life out of her hand and take her to the sink. He washes her cut and grabs a plaster. "I wanted some strawberries" she whines "I'll go and buy some some more" he tells her "but I don't want to be alone"
She says "you have your mum, I'm sure she'll cuddle you" Pete says and Ariana nods.

"Anything else you want" he asks "like my favourite sweets" she asks and he nods "I'll get them for you" he smiles kissing her lips gently before carrying her out to her mum.

"I need to go buy her some stuff and she wants cuddles" Pete says and Joan nods holding her little girl.

Pete grabs his keys and his card and goes to his car and gives to the store. He picks up some strawberries and some sweets for Ariana. Before he headed back to her.

"I'll cut them this time" he tells her making her nod. "I'm cold" Ariana pouts looking up to her mum. Joan picks Pete's jumper up and hands it to her. "Thanks" Ariana says putting it on.

Pete brings her strawberries and sweets to her and Ariana shuffled over to him eating them.

"Mine" she slaps his hand away. "Please" he asks "okay" she pouts letting him have one. "Even when I'm your wife I'm not letting you have them" she says "let's not talk about a wedding and being husband and wife now" he says and she nods.

"Wait what" Joan asks confused "we're not getting married now till she's ready so we can enjoy planning it together" he explains. "Oh okay" Joan says.

"Baby" Ariana asks "yes" he asks looking at her. "Why you tense" she asks "because I need the toilet" he says making Ariana sits up "all you have to do is ask for me to move" she says letting him stand up before laying back down.

Pete comes back and Ariana sits up slightly letting Pete sit down before laying back on him.

"Come on beautiful let's go to bed" he says "I'm ugly" she says "okay then. Ugly let's go to bed" he says "hey" she slap him "I'm joking your beautiful" he says picking her up.

Ariana snuggles into him as he says goodnight to Joan before carrying her to the bedroom. He lays her on the bed and Ariana stands up getting changed.

She crawls into bed cuddling into Pete. "Will I be able to be myself again" she asks "you will, it will take time" he rubs her back "I haven't told you something but I don't know if I should because it might make you a little upset" he says "tell me" she says "Malcolm will be with your Manchester victims keeping them safe for you" Pete says "you really think" Ariana asks and Pete nods "I know he will be." He smiles making Ariana smile.

"Cuddle me properly" she asks "I am" he says "no your not" she pouts "like before I went to London" she says making him nod holding her.

Ariana falls asleep in his arms.

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