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"Ariana sweetie wake up" Joan gently shakes Ariana. "I want to sleep" Ariana whines "sweetheart come on its noon. And I'm sure you want your own bed" Joan strokes her arm. Ariana shakes her head and rills over snd covers her head. Joan sighs leaving the room.

Ariana closes her eyed again falling asleep.

Pete sighs clearing up Ariana's stuff which laid along her apartment. Cleaning up for her as she wasn't very well. He felt bad for not realising she was sick. He shouldn't have let her go but it was her choice he couldn't stop her going to see her mum. 

After Pete had cleaned everywhere he sat down and watched some tv before he got a phone call.

"Hello?... is she okay? .... okay ill be there as soon as I can" Pete says collecting his stuff and leaving the door.

He goes down to the car and drives wanting to sped there but he couldn't there was too much traffic.

He arrived and Joan let him in.

"Baby girl" Ariana heard making her groan. "ariana grande" he says making her open her eyes hating the fact he used her name. "Im not getting out of bed and get out my face." Ariana states rolling over.

"Ariana all we want is you to be comfy" Pete says "and no offence i just want my mum"  Ariana says. "Now get out my face before i throw up" Ariana says "fine suit your self I'm going out" Pete says.

Joan rolls her eyes more at Pete than Ariana. She understood her daughter was upset but she wanted her home where she was comfy. As much as Joan lived her and lived having her with her she knew Ariana was scared to tell Pete.

Joan takes him to the door. "Don't do anything stupid" Joan says "she doesn't love me but I wouldn't" Pete says. Ariana obviously heard him because she came running out. Making herself sick.

"Sorry" Ariana looks to her mum. "Its okay sweetheart" Joan pats her back. "Don't ever say i don't love you." Ariana says getting a little upset.

"I love you so fucking much Pete I just want my mum for a few days please" Ariana looks at him. "Okay okay" he says "bye" He says closing the door. Ariana walks to the kitchen and gets a drink.

"Ariana you cant hide here till your giving birth" Joan says. "I don't want him to leave me" Ariana sobs. Joan softened a little seeing her daughter so upset. "Ive only just got him back" Ariana cries. "I want him with me mum" Ariana sobs even more. "You want me to call him back you can both stay here" Joan says and Ariana nods holding her mum.

She didn't want ti feel like a little kid who wanted her mummy. She didn't want to be judged because of this. It was just her way to deal with something she always needed her mums support and if that meant relying on her for a few days that's what she needed.

"He's coming back sweetheart its okay" Joan rubs her back. Seeing her daughter cry over something so little which was actually something really big that. Something Ariana never really spoke about.

Pete comes through the door and Ariana walks over to him wrapping her self around him. "Im here" Pete rubs her back. "Ill stay tonight okay and then ill leave you and your mum for a day for you to calm down okay. I know you need this time with your mum I understand" Pete kisses her head.

He would never fully understand what was going on in the girls head. He knew she trusts him but he knew something were too hard for her to open up about. Somethings she couldn't tell him because it upset her too much to even think about and verbally explain.

Pete picks her up and takes her to bed. He placed her down making her pout. "Mind my head" Ariana states. "Sorry" he pouts kissing it.

"Come on you need rest" he says handing her the tv remote. Petr leaves the bedroom and grabs a drink. "What changed she hated me a minute ago" Pete asks "give the girl some time to bring her self down and shell be fine. Shes dealing with a lot still and its hard for her to talk about to people." Joan says and he nods.

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