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"I want him alive" Ariana sobs finally breaking down about Malcolm. "He's gone sweetheart. I know you want him to still be here I know you do" Joan holds Ariana. "Please wake me up" she sobs "your awake Ariana" Joan tells her kissing her head.

"I shouldn't have left him. I should have helped him" she sobs. "I shouldn't have moved to New York I shouldn't have fucking got with Pete" Ariana screams all her emotions she had been bottling up for weeks were coming out.

"I've fucked my life up" she sniffs. Scooter sits the other side of Ariana. "Ariana you haven't fucked your life up. Your dealing with a lot" Scooter tells her "you don't fucking know anything" Ariana cries.

"I want to be with him" she sobs "I wang to go and be with Grampa and Malcolm" Ariana holds her mum. "Ariana sweetheart please" Joan wipes her eyes. Hearing your daughter come out with them words were never something you would want to hear.

"The person who fucking loved me the fucking most I let them walk away" She sniffs "you wanted him to get better"
scooter tells her. "What did that get me hes fucking dead. I will never ever have a phone conversation with him when im down. He was with me through Manchester every single day when I needed him. He wouldn't let me be alone if I didn't feel safe and what do I do fucking dump him do his drug problem. Yeah well done me" Ariana sniffs.

"Sweetheart Malcolm wouldn't have wanted you to be like this" Joan tells her. "He's not here to see me like this" Ariana replies.

The one person they knew how to calm her down was Malcolm and he was gone and he wasn't here to help her anymore and they knew how much Ariana was hurting and that she would never get over this. They knew they all had to be here with her to ensure that she felt loved and safe.

"What if I can't date anyone again" Ariana looks up to her mum. "Don't even speak about they Ariana. Your heart broken about your relationship with Pete going downhill because of your emotions don't even consider a bloody relationship" Joan tells her.

"Try and get some sleep." Scooter suggests "I wish I could" Ariana pouts "she's struggled since she's left Pete" Joan says "cuddles make me feel secure but me and Pete couldn't be together right now" Ariana says "we know sweetheart" Joan rubs her back.

Alexa comes through the door and Ariana gets up and hugs her. Alexa holds her taking her to the her. "Cuddle her" Joan asks and Alexa nods helping her under the sheets and letting Ariana falls asleep in her arms.

Our love story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora