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Pete heard a massive thud making him leave the room and see where Ariana was. "Baby" he asks bending down next to her. "What happened" he asks as she cries into him. "I don't know I think I passed out" she sniffs.

"You think you can stand up and we'll get you to bed" he asks and she shrugs. Pete helps her stand up and she holds onto him. Pete picks her up. "Have you had your vitamins" he asks "I haven't had anything all day" she says and he nods carrying her to the bedroom.

He pecks her head before leaving to make her something to eat and get her tablets and a bottle of water before taking it back to her.

Ariana finishes everything she was given and lays back down. "You get some sleep baby" he strokes her hair. "Can you sleep to" she asks "baby I have work. I'm going to call Alexa to come and keep you company for when you wake up" he tells her and she nods.

"I love you" Ariana says "I love you too"

Pete leaves the room and calls Alexa. "Hey Pete what's up" Alexa asks "Ariana's not Well and I have work. She passed out and I don't really want to leave her alone. I was wondering if you would keep her company" Pete asks "oh yeah of course I'll be round soon" she replies before ending the call.

Pete waits for Alexa to arrive before leaving her with Ariana.

"I want Pete" Ariana pouts making Alexa chuckle. "Oh hey" Ariana smiles "hey" Alexa smiles giving her a hug. "How you feeling Pete told me you passed out" Alexa asks "a little better" she smiles "I'm hungry though" Ariana sits up. "I'll go and make you something you rest" Alexa tells her and Ariana nods.

Alexa made her some food and takes it to her and Pete comes back into the room. "Hi" Ariana pouts before eating up again. Pete smiles before getting changed. "Oi Alexa is here" Ariana says "that's my view" she pouts "I have my Own that you Ariana" Alexa chuckles.

"This as nice thank you" Ariana smiles "your welcome" Alexa smiles taking it into the kitchen. Pete walks over to Ariana and kisses her lips. Ariana grabs his top pulling him into her to make the kiss last longer.

"Since Pete's home I'm going back to mine bye Ariana get well soon" Alexa smiles and Ariana nods.

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