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"Mummy" Ariana cries making Pete wake up. "I want mum" Ariana sobs. "Okay I'll go and get her" he tells her getting off the bed. Pete goes to the room Joan was in and wakes her. "Joan Ariana is calling for you" Pete says making her get off the bed and follow him.

"What's happened sweetheart" Joan asks holding her daughter. "Bad dream" she sniffs "and Pete couldn't help you, he's here for you baby" she tells her. "He didn't die" Ariana sniffs "I'm alive" Joan tells her kissing her head.

"It's just in your head" Joan says "I wish Malcolm was" she pouts wiping away her tears. "Sweetheart you freezing" Joan says. "I have been for a fucking week" she cries "my bones ache I'm that cold" she sniffs "go put the heating on" she tells Pete who nods.

"Why don't you get into some better pyjamas" Joan suggests and Ariana nods getting up and liking what she had in her draw. She picks out some fluffy ones and changes before going to cuddle back into her mum.

"Why is everyone dying in my head" Ariana asks "I you go to bed thinking about happy things your more likely to dream about something happy. And the sad for sad. Death is on your mind because your still not wanting to believe he's gone." Joan tells her.

"Pete" Ariana sniffs making him look at her "yeah" he asks, he sits next to her making her take his hand. "Pete will keep you safe in your sleep. I'll be in bed asleep and I'll be with you in the morning" Joan says and Ariana nods falling into Pete's knee.

He wraps his arms around her letting Joan leave the room. "Would you be able to sleep in clothes" Ariana asks "sure" Pete says placing her down. "I want to be warm and your body can feel cold in the night. It's not that I don't mind you like that" Ariana says "it's okay I'll start getting cold too" he says putting on a top and some pants before climbing next to Ariana.

"I'm changing to a winter sheet tomorrow" he tells her and she nods cuddling into him. "We never checked the test I took" Ariana says "we can check in the morning" he tells her and she nods closing her eyes

Ariana walks into the bathroom and looks at the test. "Negative" she says. She walks out to Pete and jumps on him making him wake up. "I'm not pregnant" she says and he nods.

"I sort of wish I was" she sighs "you like the thought of being pregnant you don't actually wish you were" Pete tells her rubbing her back and she nods.

"Good morning" Joan smiles "I'm not pregnant" Ariana says "that's good" Joan says making Ariana sit up. "I'm sorry for jumping on you" Ariana says "your the lightest thing ever you didn't hurt me" he chuckles kissing her head.

"How you feeling" Joan asks "I guess okay" Ariana says "Ariana is you want a baby just say" Pete says "I don't know" she sighs. Joan sits down next to them "Ariana" Joan asks making Ariana look to her.

"I love the thought of me having a little baby in my arms" she says "it's a lot of responsibility" she adds "your still young wanting to tour. A baby would make that difficult" she adds "I guess" she pouts.

"You had Frankie at 15 and me at 25" Ariana says "I know sweetheart I know I did, I just want you to understand how much you'll be missing. I mean go for it if it's what you both want" she adds.

"I think we should wait" Pete says "your not emotionally ready for a baby" he says and Ariana nods.

Ariana stands up from Pete and smiles before leaving the bedroom.

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