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(Ignoring the fact Pete became suicidal and didn't want to see Ariana)

Ariana lays awake it was christmas. She was a little upset. She grabs her phone and thinks. She phones Pete.

"Hello?" He sleepy voice comes through the phone. "Pete" Ariana sniffs. Pete shot up on his bed. "Ari are you okay" Pete asks "I need to see you" Ariana sniffs "it's 3am Ariana are you sure right now" Pete asks getting up to put some clothes on.

"Are you at your apartment" Pete Asks "yeah" Ariana says "I'm coming" Pete says "thank you" Ariana mumbles.

Ariana puts some clothes on since she didn't have anyone and waited for the knock on the door. Ariana climbs off her bed and goes and answers the door.

Pete instantly wraps his arms around Ariana who breaks down in his arms. Pete shuts the door and walks her to the sofa.

"What's happened" Pete asks "I'm sorry I called" Ariana pouts "it's okay" Pete tells her holding the sensitive girl. "I was sad and lonely that's why I called you" Ariana pouts.

Pete just hugged her. "You need sleep" Pete tells her "I know" Ariana pouts "come on" he stand her up taking her to the bedroom. He helps her into bed and kisses her head. "Don't leave me" Ariana looks to him. "I'm going to go and stay in the hotel across the road okay" Pete tells her and Ariana nods.

Ariana wakes up and yawns getting off the bed and going for a shower. She washes her body and hair before getting out and wrapping herself in a towel. She hears a knock on the door and she goes and gets it.

"Hi" Ariana lets Pete in. "Sorry did I come at a bad time" he asks "it's okay" Ariana says "I'll just go put some clothes on" Ariana runs off. Pete sat down leaving her to get dressed.

Ariana comes out fully dressed and sits next to Pete. Ariana looks down "something's happened Ariana I can tell you wouldn't just call me" Pete lifts up her chin.

Ariana looks into his eyes and sighs breaking down into tears. Pete hugs her rubbing her back.

Joan comes through the door. "What the actual fuck" Frankie says coming in after her. Ariana looks up and wipes her eyes. "Sweetheart are you okay" Joan Asks looking at her.

Ariana stands up feeling too overwhelmed to talk and walks to her bedroom. "Why are you here" Frankie Asks "she called me at 3am" Pete says "I don't know she's cries into my arms everything I ask her about it" Pete says and Joan nods.

Ariana looks through her wardrobe and picks up Malcolm's jumper and pulls it to her chest. "I miss you what do I do" Ariana mutters to her self. Pete gently walks into the room and Ariana looks up to him.

"I know you miss him" Pete helps her up and to the bed. "I miss you too" Ariana looks to him. "Ariana" Pete sighs "I knew it was a bad idea to call you" Ariana sobs "shhh shhh it's okay" Pete hugs her.

Joan comes in the room with a bottle of water and Ariana looks to her and thanks her. "Have you got anything yet" Joan Asks "just that she misses me and Malcolm" Pete says.

"No" Ariana stops Pete from moving. "Ariana" Joan says "this is why I didn't call you" Ariana sobs "you didn't call me because you don't know how to feel" Joan sighs.

"Ariana. When we were together were you happy" Pete Asks "of course I was" Ariana says "everything just moved way too fast" Ariana adds "it just all changed when I couldn't cope" Ariana pouts "and that's okay you were very upset and you needed to be alone" Pete tells her and Ariana nods.

"There you go that's how you feel" Pete says "but I don't understand" Ariana looks at him. "What don't you understand" Pete asks "why I miss you so much and why I called you" Ariana says "that's just the way you feel towards me" Pete kisses her head lightly.

"Ariana you have to think okay" Pete tells her "about what" Ariana asks "what do you want deep down in here" he asks pouting to her heart. "I want you" Ariana sighs "are you sure about that" he asks and Ariana nods "I love you Pete" Ariana pouts "I love you too Ariana" Pete tells her.

"But" Pete says making Ariana pout. "If we're doing this again we're going to take it slowly for you and I want you to talk to me even if it's about Malcolm or your worried even if it's 3am I'm here" Pete tells her and she nods.

"Now come on" Pete stands up taking Ariana out the room.

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