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Pete woke up to hearing Ariana. He looks at the time and notices it's 3 am and she didn't need to be awake.

He walks out to see is girl running around in her underwear. "What is going on" Pete asks trying not to laugh.

"She's sleep walking" Courtney laughs making Pete chuckle. He walks near her "your not supposed to wake them up" she says "I'm not going to" he says gently turning her around and guiding her back to bed hardly touching her.

He puts her back into bed and tucks her in before leaving the room. "Has she ever slept walked before" Pete asks "no. Never" Joan says

Pete walks into the room to see Ariana let on a table getting a wax. "You want me to go" he asks "no you don't have to" she smiles holding her hand out. Pete smiles waking over to her and taking her hand.

"Are you back on set tonight" she asks "yeah but I have a break at 11:30 till like 1am so I can face time you" he smiles "so you'll be on call when my album comes out" she asks and he nods.

"How does that not hurt" he asks "I'm used to it" she giggles "at least it looks nice" he smirks "shut up" Ariana slaps him making the lady laugh.

"I love you really" he smiles "I know you do" she smiles pouting her lips making him give her a kiss. "Ariana can you move your leg up please" she asks and Ariana nods.

"I'm leaving the room" he says "baby" Ariana says "yeah" he asks "I made you something it's in the fridge" she smiles and he nods.

Once Ariana was done she sees the lady out before going into the kitchen. "How often do you need that done" he asks taking her hand. "Like every 4 or 5 weeks" Ariana says kissing his lips. "Is that why you don't like me looking at you sometimes" he asks making her nod. "Your so funny" he laughs "I wouldn't mind hair or not. It's your body" he tells her making her blush.

"Can we start to plan our wedding" she asks brining her head out of his chest. "I know we have done some stuff but I don't know it makes me happy" she smiles.

"Of course we can." He smiles "we can start with colours" he smiles getting a piece of paper. "Can we not do it in the kitchen" she chuckles and he nods going to the living room.

Ariana sits on his knee grabbing her phone and resting it between her legs. "Are you having a white dress" he asks "yeah of course" Ariana states "the theme of colours need to link into the brides maids and the couloirs of the tie of the men and stuff" Pete says "you act like you've planned a wedding before" Ariana pouts "I want this wedding to be perfect for you" he tells her.

"Hey it's your wedding too" she tells him "yeah I know. Making you happy means more to me" he smiles kissing her lips. "Wedding planning is not turning into sex" Ariana pushes him away.

"Your too cute" he smiles "Can I know he your fiancé for ever" Ariana whines "Come on we can do this baby" he rubs his hands through her hair. "I can't decided on a fucking colour" Ariana pouts "beach blue" she smiles "that's a start" he smiles "and lavender purple" she smiles "you okay with that" she asks and he nods "they go together well" he smiles and Ariana nods.

Pete chuckles when she lets out a yawn. "Your on set soon we should nap" Ariana smiles "that's meaning your tired and want a nap and me to come with you" he picks her up taking her to the bedroom.

He lays her down before getting in next to eat before setting an alarm for him self more than her.

"Baby baby baby" Ariana shakes Pete making him wake up. "You slept through your alarm" Ariana says "what time is it" he asks "you have an hour to get to set" she says making him groan.

Ariana runs off feeling like its her fault making Pete sigh. He gets off the bed and gets dressed into clean clothes and sorts his hair out and spray before going to find Ariana. He wouldn't leave her unless she was happy.

"Baby girl" he says making her look up to him. "Don't blame your self" he tells her sitting next to her. "But I was the one who wanted sleep" she pouts "I know you were but I would have come and napped with you anyway" he tells her. "Why don't you come with me for a few hours" he suggests making her nod with a smile.

Ariana puts some shoes on and takes Pete's hand. "I love coming with you I wish they weren't late night" she pouts "you do realise I'm gonna be strict and make you leave me" he says and she nods "I know I have to leave you I have a busy day tomorrow" she says and he nods.

Ariana smiles watching her baby. She could feel her eyes starting to go making her sigh. She calls for a taxi before waiting for Pete to finish his scene.

Once he was she walks over to him "I'm going" she yawns "okay beautiful" he hugs her "let me go I'll fall asleep" she says making him nod. He bends down and kisses her lips gently making everyone around them awww. "I'll see you in the morning okay" he tells her and she nods walking away and into the taxi.

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