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"I wanna go see my baby" Ariana whines in the taxi. "We're going now" Courtney tells her. They had just finished at red nova event and They were now heading to Pete.

They arrive and Ariana got out the car. There he was stood with his back to her speaking with the others. "Baby" she smiles wrapping his arms around him. "Hey cutie" he smiles turning around to face her. "Please don't tell me you died your hair and it's a wig. As much as I like you blonde ish you didn't want to fuck your hair up" he asks "it's a wig" she giggles "she just wanted to come and see you" Courtney says.

"Missed me that much" he asks her giving her a kiss "I did. Next few weeks will be a nightmare" she whines "I know baby I know" he pouts

Pete room Ariana to his dressing room as he needed to change for his next scene. "Damn I look ugly" Ariana says making Pete spit his water out. "What" Ariana asks confused "your not ugly your the most beautifulest girl ever" he says kissing her lips "you have to tell me that I'm gonna be your wife" Ariana pouts "I don't have to say that. Your not ugly and that's the truth" he tells her helping her down off the table.

They walks out to the others hand in hand. "I want love like there's" one of the cast members says making Ariana bury her head into his top. "Cutie" he smiles wrapping an arm around her.

"Your cooking" Pete smiles walking through the door. "I am baby" she smiles "I wanted to make you a meal." She replies. "Well next time make sure you wear better clothes" he slaps her bum making her blush. "I'm joking I love you for what ever you wear as long as your my girl" he smiles "well I'm your girl for the rest of your life"
Ariana giggles string the stir fry.

"Can we have a baby" he asks "you what" Ariana coughs "not yet but when your ready" he asks "of course we can" she smiles turning around in his arms. "I would love nothing more than a baby with you but not yet." He pecks his lips.

"That's fine with me." He smiles. "Less off the baby talk you two" Joan says "hey you were 25 when you had me" Ariana says "yes and I was ready your not" Joan says "damn you got her to cook she must love you" she laughs looking to Pete. "You okay mum"
Ariana asks stiring the stir fry.

"Yeah I came to see how you two were before I went to see Frankie"'she smiles "yeah we're fine. I need to see Frankie it's been a while" Ariana pouts "4 days" Pete says "that's a life time for them both" Joan chuckles "at least they love each other" he smiles "can you get me some plates" Ariana asks and Pete nods getting two plates out for them.

"I'll leave you two for some quiet time" she smiles making Ariana smile. "Bye Mum I love you" she smiles "I love you too sweetheart"

Ariana and Pete sit down with a glass of wine and the stir fry Ariana had cokes for them both. "This is so nice" Pete smiles "thank you baby" Ariana smiles kissing his lips. "I thought Courtney was coming back with you to keep you company" Pete asks "she went to get ice cream and meet someone" Ariana smiles. "It doesn't bother me I get some one on one time with you before I leave for California" she pouts

"When you start to work and stuff the time will go faster. Then you can be back in my arms since that's what you want but thinking about it isn't going to make things better" he takes her hand. "I know" she says "I'll have Courtney and Doug with me I'll be fine" she relies.

Pete cleaned the plates while Ariana went and got changed into some pyjamas since they decided to have a quiet night in and watch a movie.

Ariana comes running out and slips making Pete laugh. "Hey help me u0" she pouts making him pull her to her feet and rub her side. "You don't run on slippy floor with fluffy socks on" he chuckles "I know" she giggles "are you okay though" he asks her and she nods "I'll just have a bruise there soon" she pouts making him kiss her head.

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