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First i want to say i got confused with books. Some of you will have read this chapter.

"Ahhhh fuck" Ariana leans forward as pain rushes to her. Ariana leans back once her contraction had passed. "Mummy he should be here by now" Ariana looks up to Joan. "I know sweetheart he's trying his best. He landed about 1 hour ago okay" Joan says and Ariana nods.

Pete comes running through the door and Ariana holds her arms out for him. Pete walks over and hugs her. "You've got this" He tells her and she nods.

Pete kisses her head. "FUCK" Ariana screams clutching Pete as she already had hold of him. "Breath Ariana. In and out okay" Pete tells her helping her steady her breathing.

"Ariana can we check you over" the midwife asks and Ariana nods laying down slightly.

"Baby why is your face scratched" Ariana asks "because all your bloody fans are outside" he says "okay Ariana your 10cm" the midwife says.

On Ariana's next contraction Ariana pushes taking her mums and Petes hand. "Come on Ariana you can do this" Pete tells her. Ariana pushed again for longer this time.

Ariana looks to her mum who gave her a nod letting her know its okay. "Ahhhh" Ariana screams through the pain.

"The heads out" the midwife says, Pete desperately wanted to look but held back because of hurting Ariana's feelings. He was scared that she wouldn't let him be at the birth.

Ariana pushed once more and her baby boy was out snd was rushed over to the bed. Ariana leans over the bed and threw up. "Its okay get it up" Pete rubs her back.

"Can I have some water" Ariana asks and Joan nods helping her have a sip. Ariana looks up to Pete and takes his hand. Before they hear the cry of there baby.

Ariana smiles lightly as she finally got to hold her little man. "He's adorable" Ariana smiles soothing her little baby boy. Pete smiles at Ariana. "He is" Pete smiles "okay your two now you have said hello to your little baby boy can we take him to get fully checked over" the midwife asks and Ariana nods handing him over.

Ariana looks up to pete and pouts her lips. "I think she wants a kiss" Joan says. Pete looks down to her before leaning down and kissing her soft lips. "I love you" Ariana sniffs "I love you too Im sorry" Pete tells her.

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