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Ariana wakes up and grabs her phone from the side of the bed to see 4 missed calls from Pete.

Ariana calls him back. "Hey angel" Pete answers the phone "hi"'Ariana mumbles "have you just woke up by any chance" he chuckles "yup" she giggles "want to talk later" he asks "no" Ariana clicks FaceTime.

"Hey cutie" he smiles accepting. Her hair was all over the place and she had no Make up on. "I'm not cute I look awful right now but I love you that much too let you see me like this"'Ariana smiles "plus we live together so you don't get away with it"
He stares sticking his tongue out. "What ever" she pouts.

"I miss you" Ariana says "I miss you too. You'll have a clean apartment when you come back though" he says "you cleaned" Ariana asks "yes I did. I was bored without you" he sighs.

Sweetener slumber session.

"Hey Ari" Zach smiles "hi". Ariana smiles before replying to Pete. "You ready for this" he asks and she nods.

The night started off with an interviews with her and Zach before it got to the fans.

"How's Pete" a fan asks "amazing" Ariana coos. "Like perfect" she smiles. Thinking about her fiancé who was in New York probably come back from set right now.

Ariana answered all the questions that they had to ask before they factored Pete.

"Hi" Pete smiles "where are you" Ariana asks "in the lift" he chuckles "that's not the loft but what ever say hi" Ariana chuckles "hello" Pete smiles walking to their home.

"Take care of my baby tonight" he tells them "we will" they all scream making Ariana blush. "Thank you." He smiles "I'll speak to you later" Ariana tells him "okay have fun I love you" he smiles "I love you too" She replies before ending the call.

"Your too cute" someone coos making Ariana smile. "Was he actually in the lift" Courtney asks "no. It didn't look like it but then half the time I'm in it I'm in his arms asleep or looking at my phone" Ariana replies.

"I wanna go home already" Ariana pouts "I'm a couple of days you will be home back with your baby" Doug tells her "but I want to be home now. I miss him so much" she whines making Courtney call Pete.

"Sort your fiancé out" she asks "you idiot he was probably asleep" Ariana huffs "what's wrong beautiful" he asks her. "I miss you" she sniffs "I miss you too more than ever" he tells her turning on the lift and letting out a yawn.

"Go up to your bedroom" he says "why your not there" she states "just do it" he says making her stand up and walk to the bedroom. "How the fuck did this get here" Ariana smiles seeing the massive cuddly bear "Courtney put it there for me" he smiles "I love you so fucking much" she tells him. "I love you too. Try and get some sleep beautiful you need it. It's going to be a busy time soon" he reminds her "I know but I want to be with you" she pouts "and you will be. Apart from I have night set times" he sighs "when" Ariana asks "your album release date and the night after" he says "okay" she says "I'm sorry Courtney woke you" she admits.

"It's okay anything for you" he smiles "goodnight I love you" she smiles "I love you too." He replies ending the call.

"Cute" Courtney smiles "have your phone I'm going bed" Ariana smiles and she nods leaving the room for Ariana to sleep.

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