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"I want my ring back" Ariana pouts. "I know you do baby I know" Pete rubs her back. "Look I look wired." She says looking at her hand. "It will be back there soon I promise" he kisses her lips gently.

"I have to go to work today" Pete says "I know you do. I'll be okay alone. Im a big girl and I do have a therapy session" she adds "please don't just cry about your ring." He says making Ariana nod "I'm not that upset" she slaps him.

"I'm going to have a shower. Then the therapy session and then I'm getting waxed" Ariana says "Damn why can't I be there for that" he pouts making Aria a stick her tongue out.

"But I want food first" she says getting off the bed. Before jumping back in it. "It's fucking freezing" Ariana whines making Pete get off the bed and grab her dressing gown. "Thank you" she smiles walking out.

"Can you make me something" Ariana asks "lazy" Pete chuckles "I want a salad and yours was so nice yesterday" she smiles making him nod. Pete makes her a salad and a coffee and hands them to her before making himself some toast.

"Maybe Everything will calm down now" Ariana says "maybe." Pete takes her hand. "I miss it just being me and you and just our friends coming in the day" Ariana says "I know baby" Pete strokes her hand.

Ariana smiles eating her salad before they both cuddled for an hour on the sofa watching a movie. "I have to get ready" Pete kisses her head making Ariana move off him.

"That was easy" he chuckles "I know you actually do have to move" she giggles making him nod going to have a shower. "Sorry" Ariana says sitting in the toilet. "There's three bathrooms and you choose this one" he chuckles "it's okay." pete adds "it's not the first time you have come and sat on the toilet while in on the shower or the bath" he smiles to her standing out the shower and wrapping his body in a towel.

Pete leaves Ariana alone and gets changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie. Ariana leaves the bathroom and smiles.

"Have a good day" Ariana smiles leaning up to kiss his lips. "Thank you baby. You have a relaxing day we'll try" he asks and she nods.

Pete leaves the apartment and sighs heading to SNL.

Ariana goes and gets in the shower and washed her hair and body before getting out and finding something to wear. She decided to go for something comfy with was some leggings and a tee shirt and a hoodie.

"Hi sweetheart" Joan smiles "hi mum" Ariana smiles drying her hair. "No pete" she asks "he's working" Ariana replies.

"How you feeling" Joan asks "I'm okay" she smiles brushing her hair into a ponytail. "You have Make up on" Joan says "yeah I know I do" Ariana says "I guess I had spare time" she giggles.

Pete smiles walking into the bedroom. "Hey" Ariana smiles "hey" Pete smiles taking his shoes off. He walks over to her and bends down to kiss her lips. "I didn't miss it" he says "what ever" Ariana says going back to scrolling through her phone.

"What would you do if I said I liked" Ariana looks up to him. "Don't even say it" she says "and plus you wouldn't want to marry me since you go for your type" she adds smugly.

"Have you eaten today" Pete asks "I had breakfast with you and then nothing" she says "want me to make you a salad for when your done" he asks and Ariana nods.

"Hey" she takes his hand "I want a kiss" she pouts making him walk back to her and kiss her lips. "Can you move you leg" the lady asks and Ariana nods moving it for her.

Pete smiles going into the kitchen and getting out the stuff for her salad and cutting up and putting it into a bowl and in the fridge for when she was finished.

Ariana smiles coming out the bedroom and hugging Pete. "You okay" Pete asks holding her "yeah, well okay as I'll ever be" she says and he nods kissing her lips.

Ariana walks into the kitchen and grabs her salad. "Can you pay her" Ariana asks "yeah" Pete chuckles leaving his girl to eat her salad.

"I love you" Ariana smiles as he comes back. "I love you too" he smiles to her getting a bottle of water. "How was work" Ariana asks "alright" he wraps his arms around her nuzzling his head into her neck.

"Your cute" Ariana smiles "thanks" he chuckles.

Ariana looks up to him. "What's wrong" he asks "you know when you said you would do anything for me" she asks and he nods "Love me" she asks making him nod.

Pete gently picks her up carrying her to the bedroom.

"Thank you" Ariana says looking at him. Pete kisses her cheek gently. "I don't know what's going on with my body" she pouts "what you mean angel" he asks rolling into his side. "I've never wanted sex before so badly. Not even before all this." She says "sex makes you feel loved right" he asks and she nods "that's why then." He tells her making her look confused.

"Your suffering from depression. You have good and bad days and them bad days your going to want to be loved to help you feel something." pete explains "but I know you love me" she sighs "you and I both know that but it's your body that's wants to feel it" he tells her hugging her.

"Do you two just like to be in bed" Joan asks making Ariana grab the sheets and cover her self. "Sorry" she pouts leaving the room.

Pete grabs her a top and she smiles putting it over her head with some shorts. Pete gets changed and Ariana stands there.

"You want carrying" he asks and she nods making him smile and walk over to her and pick her up. Ariana smiles as he carries her out.

"Sorry mum" Ariana says "I'm sorry sweetheart. You shouldn't apologies" Joan says and Ariana nods goi back to her feet.

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