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Ariana runs into Pete's arms who had kindly left the audience to go and be with her after what just happened on the stage. "Shhh I've got you" he holds her as she breaks down in his arms. "Ariana sweetheart" Pete hears looking up to see an older lady coming towards them.

"I should have help you" Pete sighs rubbing Ariana's back. "Come on let's get you both to a private room" Jennifer says and Pete nods carrying his fiancé to a room.

"I feel disgusting" she sniffs looks up to her man. "I'm here now I promise I won't let that happen again" he tells her "Ariana were so sorry about what happened. You sang beautifully Aretha would be so proud of you" she tells her.

"I wanna go home" Ariana sniffs "sorry" Pete tells her "no no it's fine she's upset. We're just wanting to make sure she's going to be okay. No women should have to be in that situation" she explains "thank you by the way" Ariana says "hers you are" Joan comes In the room Ariana  couldn't decided wether to get off Pete's knee to go and hug her mum or stay.

"Go on I'm not going anywhere" he tells her making her kiss his lips before getting up and hugging her mum. "Your okay. Your safe" Joan tells her making her nod.

Ariana pulls back before going back to Pete. "Baby girl I'm not going anywhere" he tells her kissing her head helping her calm down.

"Baby were needed on a flight" Pete says walking into the bedroom to find her fast asleep. He smiles packing the rest of the bag before putting it around him before picking up his sleeping girl.

"Don't touch me" she freaks out opening her eyes "no don't put me down" she says clinging onto him. "Shh it's okay" he says kissing her head carrying her out.

"Nicest fiancé going" Joan smiles "she won't let me put her down" he says "you were the one that woke me up" she says "and we need to catch a plane" he says "I was having a nice dream about you" she says making him stop. "Baby you woke up because you got scared of me picking you up not because I picked you up" he tells her making her snuggle into him. "When were home you'll feel better" he kisses her head before getting in the taxi.

"Bye beautiful get some rest" he pecks her head as she sat on the bean bag watching a movie "I will" she smiles "Can you get me some crisp before you go" she asks and he nods walking and getting her favourite before taking them back to her.

Ariana watched spirited away again since she was obsessed with the movie.

"Pete sneaks in the front door at 1am and chuckles at his girl who was fast asleep on the bean bag. He walks over to her as closed her laptop and placed it on charge. He gently picks her up gently not wanting to wake her and carries her to the bedroom.

"Pete" she mumbles "shhh" he kisses her lips setting her down on the bed. And throwing the sheets over her. He strips down and puts some shorts on and climbs in next to her.

"Baby" Ariana taps him making him wake up. He looks at her and then the time. "How you feeling" he asks "okay" she smiles. "I don't remember coming to bed through" she says "you didn't" he chuckles "I came home to you asleep on the bean bag so I carried you to bed" he smiles kissing her cheek.

Ariana snuggles into him making him wrap his arm around her. "I do have to admit it was weird sleeping last night without your wrapped around me" he chuckles making her giggle "I don't think your sick" he says "don't be mean" she whines "I think you were sick because of what happened" he tells her "please don't bring it up I'm okay" she says.

"Wait I'm not" she says sitting up. Pete grabs her holding his girl. "All I can feel is that moment. I'm against all that shit and it happened like I don't know how I should feel" she sighs snuggling into him.

Ariana grabs her phone from the side and looks at the video. "Who were you looking for" he asks "I don't even know" Ariana shrugs kissing his lips.

They were just getting into it when the door slammed open. "Frankie here" Ariana rolls off him letting out a groan. "Get up you lazy ass" he comes in the bedroom. "No" Ariana replies cuddling back into Pete.

"I'm sick" Ariana says making Pete laugh "fuck you" Ariana slaps him making him tickle her. "I'm sorry baby stop" Ariana kicks her legs "I'll kick you where it hurts" she giggles making him stop kissing her lips.

"Well then the happy couple" he smiles "what you want Frankie" Ariana asks "you know just to see my sister" he shrugs making Ariana smile. "I'm loved" she cheers "you are" Pete smiles pulling her up.

Our love story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora