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"Please can I see my son" Pete pouts "he's sleeping" Joan says "I want to speak to Ariana as well" Pete asks "shes not here" Joan says "where is she" Pete asks "Pete Im not letting you in Ariana needs time" Joan says.

"Mum whats going on" Ariana groans "she is here" Pete rolls ber eyes "theres a thing called the back door" Ariana says "I told you that if you left Harley stays with me" Pete says "and Harley came out my vagina" Ariana say "Im his fucking mother, he fucking feeds from me" Ariana huffs.

"Well can I see him" Pete asks "he's sleeping" Ariana says "I wont hold him I just want to see him" Pete asks making Ariana groan and let him in. Pete goes to where Harley was. "Hey my little buddy" Pete coos down to his little man. "I'm going to fight for you little man" Pete whispers.

"Right you said hello now leave" Ariana says "take me to court. Don't worry I heard you" Ariana says "why you being a bitch" Pete asks "because you like I'm an unfit mother and shouldn't be left alone with my own child which I carried for 9 fucking months a baby i never really wanted It just happened" Ariana says "fuck off and get out my sight" Ariana says before calming down as Joan brought out her little boy. "Mummy's got you" Ariana coos holding her body. "Okay baby you can have mummy milk" Ariana smiles to his gorgeous face.

"Can I care for my son I don't want you staring at my breast" Ariana asks making Pete leave. Ariana sits down and lifts her top letting Harley suck on her nipple.

"He's so cute" Joan smiles "duh he's a baby" Ariana giggles smiling at her son who looks up to his mamas eyes. "Are you going to let him fight for her and take you to court" Joan asks.

"I don't mind co parenting but if court is what needs to happen for that then thats what we do" Ariana says "he's going ti be annoyed since I want to move back to LA and thats such a hard thing to do" Ariana sighs "baby girl" Joan rubs her back.

"Im okay" Ariana sniffs. "Come on mummy needs some stuff" Ariana says putting him in the pram. "Ariana stop" Joan says "mum I have a child I need to take him out for a walk to give him fresh air Ill be back" Ariana says and Joan nods.

Ariana puts on a jacket and pushes Harley outside and began to walk him. She walks to her apartment snd opens the door. And packs some more stuff only a few thing since she still lived her at the end of the day she paid to this place not him.

"Come on my beautiful boy" Ariana smiles as he smiles to her. "Please pack and leave" Ariana tells Pete and he nods

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