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"First day of filming" Ariana smiles "yup it's gonna be a lot of travelling though" Pete pouts "I know." Ariana kisses his cheek. "Enjoy it. Don't worry about the travelling or me I'm a grown woman who can do things my self. I want you to have fun" Ariana says sorting out it tag on his top. "I know baby your going back to LA soon for work so I don't have to worry that much about you being bored" he says "hey" she whines "I'll miss you more though because I won't be able to have your cuddles" he says making Ariana smile "I'll face time you though" she smiles "I know you will baby and I know you'll be back. But you need to work" he smiles kissing her head before lifting her down from the bed.

"I could have stepped you know" she giggles "I know but I like helping you" he smiles "I know you do. Your my everything when I need help and I like that" she smiles "there's something wrong with your smile" Pete frowns "what" Ariana asks "talk to me baby" he asks grabbing her hips gently pulling her back into his chest. "I just don't want to be 5 hours away from you" she says "oh baby it will be okay." He rubs her back.

"You'll see me tonight and tomorrow you don't go just yet" he reminds her and she nods.

Ariana watches her baby on set and she smiles. He was so good. He was having fun. Every break he had he was over by Ariana making sure she was okay. Ariana didn't mind though she likes the fact he cared so much about her.

"I love your hair like this" Ariana smiles "oh so now you like it" he smiles back at her kissing her head. "Yeah I do. I guess I was getting used to the change. I mean it didn't change how I felt about you one but it was just wired I go back brown for you to go blonde" she sighs "cutie" he smiles.

Ariana let's out a yawn. "Want me to get you a taxi" he asks "no I'm okay" she hums "baby" he pecks her lips. "Your needed" she says and he nods leaving her sat on his chair.

Pete pouts at his girl who was sleeping on the side. "How late do you keep that girl up" Austin asks "shes stressed and not sleeping" Pete replies.

Once the day was wrapped, pete walks over to his future wife. He gently scooped her into his arms and smiles as she managed to wrap her arms and legs around him burying her head into his neck still staying asleep.

He grabs anything of his or hers before carrying her out to the car placing her down in the passengers seat. "I love you little one" he smiles kissing her head before going round to the drivers side and driving them home.

"Baby" Ariana mumbles "it's okay" Pete tells her getting her out the car. "I'm sorry" she says "what for" he asks locking his car before heading inside and calling the lift since he didn't want to carry her up several flights of stairs.

"Falling asleep while you were on set" she says "it's okay. I don't mind. As long as your happy and healthy that's all that matters" he smiles down at her. "You don't always have to come with me to set. As much as I would love you there you need your sleep" he tells her unlocking the door.

"How about I go to set for my call time and then when you wake up you can come and see me. Then your happy because your there and I'm happy because you have slept" he suggests "Your too perfect" Ariana smiles as she was put to her feet. "I'm far from perfect but I'll take it" he chuckles.

"You shouldn't be worrying about your album because it's fine it's fucking lit." He says "why thank you baby. It's just it's so personal to me I want everyone else to love it" she says taking off her shoes. "They will." He smiles.

"Wanna bath" he asks "together" Ariana asks "I was gonna say just you but together sounds cute" he smiles "together it is" she smiles.

Pete goes into the bathroom and runs a bath adding bubbles for them both. It was nice for them to spend some time one on one together. Everyone was put in New York somewhere which they both weren't really bothered about.

"Make sure you get two towels" Ariana says "I will" he smiles at her. "And why have you put money in my bank" Ariana asks "because I wanted to" he smiles "baby you don't have to give me money." ariana sighs standing up and kissing his lips.

"Ariana it makes me feel better about it all. I don't want you to pay for everything because that's it how a relationship works." He tells her "okay okay" Ariana says not wanting to argue. She already knows how much he spent on the ring. She didn't want him spending more on her that could make him without. Not that she would let that happen. Since he wouldn't let that happen.

"Come on then let's go for a bath" he smiles taking her hand as they walk to the bathroom. "Your taller you get in first" Ariana smiles and Pete nods unchanging and getting in.

Ariana takes off her clothes taking Pete's hand as she steps in and sits down facing him between his legs.

"How did it feel to be on set to be in another movie" Ariana asks "it feels good. It gives me something to do and it's a good experience" he smiles "See I told you, you would have fun" Ariana smiles sliding up the bath and kissing his lips.

"What time you needed there tomorrow" Ariana asks "9 so I'll have to set off at like 7:30 and you have somewhere to be anyway"

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