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Ariana walks into the bedroom and smiles at her sleeping baby. "Wake up" Ariana throws a pillow at him making him groan pulling her down. "You promised me you would come to rehearsal with me today" she says kissing his lips "okay okay I'm awake" he smiles "you have half an hour want me to make you some food" she asks and Pete nods.

"Thank you baby" he smiles. Ariana makes him some bacon barm's. "Get off" Ariana slaps Frankie's hand away. "There for Pete" Ariana says "well I didn't expect you to eat it" he laughs taking a bit anyway and running off.

"Thanks baby" Pete smiles "your welcome" Ariana smiles kissing his lips.

Ariana walks off to the toilet half way through rehearsal and sighs. "What's wrong baby" Pete asks taking Ariana's hand. "I have nothing on me and I've come on" Ariana says "I have a tampon" one of the dancers say "please may I have it" Ariana asks and she nods handing it to her making. Her drag Pete to the bathroom.

"Why did I have to come" he chuckles "I don't know" she shrugs sorting her self out. She washes her hand kissing Pete's lips before going out again. "Why did you go" Brian asks "she dragged me I don't know why neither does she" he chuckles.

"Can we call rehearsal quits" Pete asks Brian "why what's wrong" he asks Pete confused since Ariana was still rehearsing. "Ariana come here a minute" Pete asks making Ariana walk over to him. "Are you in pain" he asks and Ariana nods.

"Let's get you home" he tells her and she nods Pete picks her up making her wrap her arms and legs around him. Pete carries her out to the car and gets in with her. "Your going to be on for the vma" he gently kissed her head "I won't be heavy then" she looks up to his eyes. "I'll be coming off so I won't be in pain" she says and he nods kissing her head.

"You haven't slept well either and that's not going to be helping" he rubs her back.  "I won't sleep till I have you back" she looks up to him. "You get me back tomorrow" he smiles and she nods her head with a big grin.

They arrive at the apartment and they both go out and up to theirs. "You go and get changed and clean and I'll make you some fruit and a hot water bottle" he smiles "okay" she smiles walking to the bedroom and cleaning her self off.

Pete makes Ariana a bowl of fruit with a smoothie and Makes her a hot water bottle. "Baby can I wear this" Ariana comes out with his jumper. "Of course you can." He smiles "I don't care if you get blood of it Ariana. Your a girl this is normal" he smiles making her cheer and put it over her head.

"And you have a tampon in. You won't leak if you change it right" he says "why do you know all this stuff" Ariana asks "because I have a sister and I've heard my mum tell her all this stuff" he chuckles.

Ariana goes and cuddles up on the bean bag with some blankets and her laptop and Pete takes her snacks to her. "I'm going to have a nap okay. If you need anything come and wake me up I won't mind" he kisses her lips "okay I love you. What time you need up" Ariana asks "I don't have to be there till 11 so maybe 9 but I probs won sleep that long" he explains and Ariana nods putting on Netflix.

Pete wakes up around 6 and gets off the bed and goes to check on Ariana. He smiles taking a photo of her asleep. He walks over to her and kisses her lips making her eyes flutter open. "I feel asleep" she pouts "you did" he chuckles rubbing her tummy.

"I feel better now" she smiles "that's good. Why don't you try going to the toilet or having a hot bath that sometimes helped my sister" he suggests "what's going to the toilet gonna do if I don't need it" she chuckles kissing his lips.

"Can you run me a bath I like how you do it" she asks smiling and he nods "just don't fall back asleep" he chuckles making her whine.

Pete smiles going to run her a bath and get her some clothes out for her. He walks out to the bean bag and shakes his head. He picks her up. "Your so whiny today" he chuckles "I'm tired" she yawns "well it's a good job you have me back tomorrow then" he laughs making her nod.

"Do I have to stay with you so you don't fall asleep" he asks making her shake her head. "Maybe just come and check on me" she giggles as he sets her to the floor and removes her clothes. Ariana sighs getting into the bath.

Pete leaves her alone going to get changed ready for him going. He cleans the bean bag and gets her some fresh snacks. "Baby pete" Ariana calls making him go to the bathroom.

"Yes" he smiles "help Me" she pouts making him grab the towel and helping her out the bath. He rubs her body clean handing her a tampon letting her sort her self out before putting on the pyjamas Pete had got out for her.

"I love you" she smiles "I love you too" he smiles "come on I'll dry your hair and then I'll have to go" he tells her "you don't have to dry my hair" Ariana pouts "I want to. My girl isn't herself and I want to help her and plus I'm leaving for the night which I don't really want to do when your this clingy" he states making her nod her head.

"I even put on dark bedding for you" he tells her making her smile. He knew how much he hated the thought of him waking up to red bed sheets. "Your too kind. You treat me like a baby" she smiles "that's before your my baby" he smiles drying her hair with the blow dryer.

"Hey" Ariana smiles "your awake" Pete asks "yeah" Ariana chuckles. "Can we sleep now" Ariana asks and he nods crawling into bed next to her.

"Please tell me you got some sleep" he asks "I did. I woke up like 15 minutes ago and decided I wanted to wait for you to come home" she smiles snuggling into him.

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