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Ariana was feeling a little better than she did yesterday she managed to get off the bed and walk to the bathroom having a shower. A shower made her feel better she felt like everything weighing her down was floating off her body.

"Morning" Pete smiles coming into the bathroom. "Don't do that to me" Ariana jumps "sorry" Pete says using the toilet making Ariana roll her eyes.

Ariana scrubs her hair clean before getting out the shower. She puts on some clothes and drys her hair before applying some make up. She grabs her bag.

"Im going to see my mum" Ariana leans up to kiss Petes lips "okay baby. You sure you'll be okay you want me to take you" Pete asks "ill be fine" Ariana smiles grabbing her keys.

Ariana drives to her mums apartment and lets her self in. "Hi Ariana how you feeling" Joan asks coming out with a coffee. "Shit to be honest" Ariana pouts. "Have you eaten today" Joan asks and Ariana shakes her head.

Joan nods going to get her something to eat and a bottle of water. "Here sweetheart try snd have something to eat" Joan says and Ariana nods eating the soup.

"Mum can I tell you something" Ariana asks "of course sweetheart whats on your mind" Joan asks sitting down next to her daughter. "I haven't started my period" Ariana says "have you taken a test" She asks "mum what if it is pregnant. We have only just got back together i split last time because we moved too fast this is worse than an engagement" Ariana sighs. "Ariana bathroom now" Joan says making Ariana stand up. Joan grabs a test from the cabinet snd hands it to Ariana. "Why do you have tests" Ariana asks "because I gave birth to a daughter 25 years ago" she replies leaving her daughter in the bathroom.

Ariana starers at the box for a few minutes trying to settle her emotions. Before she grabs the box and takes out the stick.

Ariana sighs before even having chance to pee on the stick Ariana dropped everything and bent over the toilet. "Mum" Ariana calls like a little kid.

Joan comes in and rubs Ariana's back. Ariana breaths before standing up and rinsing her mouth out.

Ariana picks up the stick and her mum leaves the room again Ariana pees on the stick washing her hands before waiting till it changed. The three minutes she had to wait felt like forever. Ariana noticed it had changed and she sighed.

Ariana left the bathroom with the stick in her hand. She sits next to her mum and Joan looked. "Sweetheart how do you feel" Joan asks "I've always wanted a baby. But what if he leaves me mum. I cant be alone with a baby" Ariana says "would you abort it if he was going to leave you" Joan asks "no of course not I'm keeping it 100% no matter what" Ariana states making her mum nods getting a little excited.

"Mum you can be happy I know you've wanted a grandchild" Ariana chuckles "yay" Joan cheers making Ariana smile.

Frankie walks into his mums place and pouts. He smiles at his sister snd mother cuddled up together. "Why did I miss out on movies" Frankie pouts. "Your sisters not well shh" Joan says "pregnant more like" Frankie says seeing the test on the side. "Shut up your so loud" Ariana whines.

"I still think your both so cute like that" Frankie smiles kissing his sisters head slightly. "Congratulations by the way" Frankie smiles "thank you no shut up" Ariana pushes him away.

"Leave her alone shes hardly slept or eaten for a few days" Joan asks politely. "Sure but can I do anything to help" Frankie asks "you can make her bed up in her room so she has somewhere to sleep" Joan asks and Frankie nods going off to her room.

Hi Pete. Ariana has decided ti stay here tonight as she has been sick and doesn't feels like driving. She wants you to know she loves you.

Joan kisses her daughters head "I love you mommy" Ariana smiles "I love you too angel" Joan rubs her back.

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