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Ariana walks into her apartment and sighs. Putting her bag on the side and going into the bedroom. She packs a bag and puts it by the door.

She waits patiently for Pete to come through the door. "Hi" Pete says "hi" Ariana smiles. Pete sits next to her. "I think we need to call off our engagement" Ariana says "why" Pete asks "because I feel like we're rushing things. I don't want to get married just yet. I need to focus on my self" Ariana says "okay" Pete nods seeing where she was coming from.

"I'm not saying I don't love you pete. Because I do. My heart aches for me doing this but if I want to get better I have to do it out of a relationship" she says wiping her eyes trying to be strong.

"I've packed a bag and I'm going to stay in a hotel okay. I don't struggle for money however I will want this back" Ariana says wiping under his eyes gently.

"I'll sort something out" Pete says and Ariana nods. Giving him a hug. "I'll speak to you tomorrow more. I can't do anymore today but I needed to get that out. I couldn't keep it in" Ariana tells him.

"Ariana stop feeling bad. I understand. You've struggled mentally, physically and emotionally over the last month and even before that I know this is what you need to do. I agree we moved to fast" He rubs her back.

"We will speak more soon okay. Let this process and you think about the decisions you are making. I know this has to happen but what you want to happen after this you need to think about" Pete says and Ariana nods standing up and heading to the door with her stuff.

Ariana smiles saddle before walking out and heading to the hotel. Climbing into the bed and crying her self to sleep.

Ariana was woken up to Joan. Ariana rolls over to face her. "Everything will be okay sweetheart" Joan tells her "I know mum. It just hurts that it had to end that way. I never wanted a relationship to end because of my health" she sniffs.

"He wasn't supporting you fully for you to stay in the relationship. Yes he supported you sweetheart but it was hard for him too" Joan kisses her head. "I have to give the ring back" she says sliding the ring down her finger.

"You do sweetheart. But it will help you in the long run get back on your feet and if you want to get back together with him." Joan explains. "I know. But is it wrong to still want to see him and hang with him" Ariana asks.

"He has helped you. He knows what your going through and I think even e knew it was going to end for your health. I know he will want that for you. And so what if you want to hang out. Just not romantically" Joan tells her and Ariana nods.

Ariana sits up on the bed and grabs a wipe wiping her face. "But if your giving him that apartment I'll be mad" Joan says "no I'm not but I know I can live in a hotel for a while Pete can't and I don't want to make him homeless. He has to find somewhere first" Ariana says and Joan nods.

"Here" Ariana hands over the ring. "Thanks" Pete says "I still want to have contact with you pete" Ariana says "friends" he asks and Ariana nods "maybe not for two weeks" she says and he nods "take care. I'll be here when ever you need to cry on someone's shoulder if you need it" Pete tells her and Ariana nods "bye Pete see you soon"

Want me I carry on and get how there feeling or just end it here.

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