1. Introduction

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I suppose the time has come for me to introduce myself to you, puny humans of this planet Earth. I am your new alien overlord. Of course I have a name, but your unworthy tongues wouldn't ever be able to pronounce it. You can just call me Master instead. That would suit me just fine.

What's next on the agenda? Ah yes! You know this little thing called freedom? Yeah, you little critters lost that. You didn't do a whole lot of good with it, anyway. I can't guarantee that anyone in the universe is going to bother to stop me on that one.

Hindsight is 20/20, am I right?

Author's Note: This short story (as are the next 99), is based on a prompt challenge I found online. I added the link at the bottom of this chapter. If you want to try this challenge yourself, just let me know, I'd love to read what you come up with! Also, if you're using the app and can't reach the link, just comment below and I'll send it to you.

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