127. Zeal

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The young squire was very excited for her first day, even though the knight she was assigned to was about the grumpiest man alive.

She quickly found that nothing could please the man, and every little thing she did could have gone better, according to him. Still, that didn't break her high spirits, and she trundled happily along beside him.

After a while, she wore him down with her never-ending enthusiasm, and he finally shared his biggest secret, the reason he had become such a difficult person.

And if you would happen to run into the pair today, you'd find not one, but two people in an awful mood.

A/N: Oddly enough, this short was inspired by a music video that I can no longer find because I can't remember the name of the song for the life of me. So if this short sounds familiar, and you know the song I'm talking about, feel free to let me know!

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