11. 33%

17 2 0

A third. A third of people had disappeared since the big tear in the world had appeared before their very eyes. And who knows how many more were set to follow. Because all the usual ways (read: the military and heroes) had gone awfully wrong.

That's why the council decided to take unusual, desperate measures. That's why they decided to hire criminals and lowlifes to take care of the job for them. The mutants and the rejected, the outcasts trying to make a name for themselves.

In other words, for the most challenging task in the world, they hired us.

Author's note: Fun fact: This is based on a poem I wrote for a contest, and I thought it fit the theme of the prompt, so I revised it a bit. If you'd like to read the original, it's in my Contest Entries book, and the chapter is called "Six Rogues".

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