200. Death

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Hello there. Oh, please, don't be frightened! It is merely me, Death, and I have come to greet you.

Now, these following moments might be very hard for you, but it is my job to guide you through them, so you needn't worry. It will all be alright soon enough.

I suppose I should start be explaining your options. You could always go to heaven, of course, or hell, if that's what suits your fancy more. Reincarnation is always an attractive option, too. Let's see what else we have... Ah, you could always be dissolved and live your next life as stardust scattered across the universe, or live a brand new one in one of the many alternate universes.

Oh dear, it seems you are hyperventilating. Why do the recently deceased always start hyperventilating?

Author's Note: At last, the final prompt of the challenge! Thank you for reading the entirety of it, and I hope you enjoyed reading my microstories as much as I enjoyed writing them. I've got a few other prompt lists that I might one day tackle, so if you're interested in reading more, you can always follow so you'll be notified whenever I start a new challenge. Or you can read my book "100 Colours" (if you haven't already), which was the prompt challenge I did before this one. 

And as always, if you want to give these prompts a try yourself, let me know and I'll gladly read it! 

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