123. Overwhelmed

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As he stepped through the portal into this entirely new world, his extremely sensitive senses were immediately bombarded with stimuli.

He tried his best not to hyperventilate under these overexciting circumstances, but it was a battle he was bound to lose.

So instead, he focused on taking in his environment for as long as he still could. Moving vehicles everywhere around him. Pungent smells searing his nostrils. Blazing heat scorching his skin. A cacophony of loud bangs and screeches tormented his ears. As he tried to stabilize his breathing, some particularly foul particles made their way onto his tongue.

Then, he inevitably passed out.

A/N: Does anybody else wonder why "overwhelmed" gets more of a spotlight than "underwhelmed"? I personally feel underwhelmed more often than overwhelmed. Could be just me, though.

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