Book II-Chapter 12, Residual Feelings-Mary's POV

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Residual Feelings

Mary's POV

Bella awoke and laying under the warm covers reviewed in her mind some of the different events of the last evening. Prince was really amazing in his direction of the musical Worship last night. It was a true education to both watch and listen to the bouquet of sound that he created. His sense of harmony was unlike anything she had ever heard. She had always felt that way about the harmonics in his music. Sometimes when hearing something that he wrote for the first time, that was unusual in its construction of harmony, she would wonder how he heard these things in his mind to create them. That was finally explained when she was told about how he communicates with the Universe itself. His song Open Book was an example of that. When he layered the harmony he did not do it with just a typical 1st and 2nd soprano, alto and tenor approach. Sometimes the harmony in just a single line would have only falsetto and bass or falsetto and alto and then move into a completely different vocal texture. It was pretty heady stuff that Prince would do when composing. His music was so completely original that one could play a single song daily for as long as a year and if listened to closely find a new nuance each time it was heard. Prince enthusiasts and critics alike had to agree that of all of the comments made about Prince being a man of mystery, perhaps the most mysterious thing about him was indeed his process for creating his music. The technique was flawless, the composition so tight that symphonies could be both challenged and thrilled when playing them. The real question for most was...'how in the world does he hear that'. Bella now understood that the sounds were not from the earthly realm at all. This incomparable man was a receiver for the sounds of God...and that is what he had blessed people on earth to hear for 40 years. If only those individuals understood what a gift they were receiving, they would have responded to their treasure far differently. This man was not just another Rocker and Composer who dressed differently or chose to do things for shock value...the fact that so few vocalists even tried to cover most of his music said it all. She smiled as she thought about this incredible soul, Prince Rogers Nelson, and thanked the Creator for the opportunity to care for him and be cared for by him with all of her being. Getting up she hoped that Prince and gotten more rest than on the previous two nights. She went into the kitchen to put on the coffee and then returned to her bedroom to get ready for the day.

Mary had prayed diligently both for and about Denise after Bella had left last night. She was very concerned for her and also concerned about how she was functioning. Her behavior was almost like a jilted lover and despite the fact that there had been history between Prince and Denise, that history for the most part ended in terms of daily contact in the 1980s. She was aware that there was a brief touch point in the mid 1990s when it was reported that they saw each other, had a sexual encounter and Denise had actual proposed to Prince. But in the scheme of things that was ancient history in that he had had a myriad number of women in his life since then, including two wives. One of the reasons that Mary had suggested that Denise be one of Bella's guides was that she thought that exposure to her for Bella, due to her heightened intuitiveness, would give her great insight into some of the things Prince had faced that caused him to create the adult pattern he had followed. Understanding that pattern would be helpful as it deepened his fear of intimacy allowing it to grow to such a level that he had not been able to function without total control in romantic and non-romantic relationships alike. Of all of the people in Prince's life now and forever, Bella was the best weapon in helping him to normalize some of his fears and feelings that had impaired his functionality in the past. Of concern though was that Denise's behavior was not that of a whole and healed woman. So a greater question now was should she be guiding anyone at this point including the class of young souls that she was entrusted with. Mary knew that she needed to discuss this with Jesus and determined that she would today.

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