Book III-Chapter 115, Business and Pleasure in Chicago

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Carlos's POV

Dinner had been delicious and shared with great company. The four had discussed with Prince and Carlos's parents, all of the things that needed to be completed on their new homes so they would be ready for the couples to move into when they returned from their honeymoons. Savannah and Nita agreed to speak with the girls' mothers the next morning and divvy up how they would handle things. The two mothers said they would take on the anchor roles, as they lived right in the same town as the new homes. They assured the girls that all would be ready and Bella and Elaine knew that it would. With that settled, they talked about the interviews in the morning and the upcoming tour. The tour was ambitious and would work them to the limits of their energy...but the outcome could take them to a whole new level as performers and as couples and so they were more than willing to put in the work.

While they were eating and chatting, Carlos had been watching Greg Landers and his sister, Maria Elena closely. They seemed really happy to be in each others company. He wondered if Greg had spoken to his father yet. He did not think he had though, because he was sure his father would have told him. He was not alarmed about it...he just wondered. After the dinner dishes had been cleared, and they were waiting on dessert, Alejandro tapped his dessert fork on his water glass and asked for everyone's attention. "Family, Friends...may I have your attention for a moment please", he said? Last night Mr. Greg Landers came to my home and spoke to me about a most intimate matter. It seems that he is really taken with my daughter, Maria Elena Rodriguez and that she is also equally smitten with him. He has asked my and my wife's permission to court her formally. He has said that he has come to care for her deeply and he wants very much to be her husband. I along with my wife have granted him permission to do so. He is a very accomplished man and has the ability to provide my Maria Elena with a good life. He also wants to provide her with children. Please join me in welcoming Greg Landers into our family. Carlos looked at his sister to see that she was smiling broadly and Greg was beaming. Greg stood up and said thank you as the tight knit circle of family and friends applauded. He lifted his glass and said, "I promise to do my very best to make Maria Elena happy and I thank you for accepting me into this lovely extended family". The evening had been a wonderful one. After dessert was over as the waiters were pouring an apertif and after dinner drinks, Prince stood and raised his glass and said, "I want to wish everyone a very happy New Year filled with love, joy and only pleasant surprises. I also want to thank the Creator for seeing us through so many things in this last year. We thank you, Creator, for guiding us, keeping us and our beautiful women safe. We thank you for the closeness of our families and for us being able to bring in another New Year with all whom we love still here on earth. We ask only that you strengthen us so that we may do your will in this New Year and that you bless our upcoming marriages richly". After several Amens and here here's, as well as hugs and kisses, the loving group bid each other good night, and each went to their places of rest. The 4 would be on set at 8:30 in the morning ready to be interviewed at 10:00 AM. The New Year was officially starting for them professionally in the morning.

Princes POV

The 4 had returned to their rooms showered and prepared for bed. Prince and Bella had taken a shower moisturized each other and donned matching pajamas and gotten into bed. They cuddled, quietly talking about how great the day and evening had been. It had begun and ended just as Prince liked it, with Bella in his embrace enjoying the amazing love they had for each other. He kissed her warmly, checked the alarm on his cell and they fell asleep with her head on his shoulder.

At 6:00 AM Prince's alarm went off and he sat up, stretched and went into the bathroom, and then into the kitchenette to make the coffee. He would wake Bella, coffee in hand, in just a few minutes. Walking back into the bedroom with her mug of the deep brown liquid dressed like she liked it, as well as his own, he set hers on the bedstand next to her and sitting on the bed kissed her on her forehead. She slowly opened her eyes, eyelids fluttering and as always, greeted him with her beautiful smile. "Good morning" my Bella he said. "Good morning Prince". After she adjusted her pillows he handed her the mug of the coffee. " It smells divine", she said sipping it and then remarked, "and it tastes just as good". Prince grinned, happy that it pleased her. They chatted about the interview to come this morning and how Prince had asked Sidney to come in case they asked them to sing. The two dressed, and at 7:30 Prince called Carlos and the 4 met their security team at 8:00 AM. The men were carrying the hanging bags with the outfits they would wear on the set. Ray, Ross and Frank escorted them down to the garage level of the hotel. Melvin and Larry had pulled the SUV up to where the elevators were, and the four got into the vehicle immediately. They arrived at the studio at 8:15 AM. They were met by one of the hosts for the morning, Quinn Andrews. The other host was upstairs waiting for them in one of their dressing rooms. As they sat down for make-up, Quinn introduced Angie Benton to them. Angie was the newest of the entertainment desk members at their sister network, in the City of Detroit. But she was not new to the game. She had cut her teeth in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Baltimore, Maryland. She had arrived the night before and was thrilled to be meeting the 4. She was definitely a fan and saw this assignment as a privilege. Quinn and Angie then left them to be made up and to dress. Sidney walked in just as they were leaving and Prince introduced him to Quinn and Angie. Once they were ready, they relaxed in the green room eating some of the fruit and yogurt provided by the network and then were called to the stage wings at 10:15. Prince took that moment to put on his Royal Prince persona.

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